Become a Proofreader
Proofreaders are a key role in the translation process, as they need to select the best translation among all the suggestions and decide which one will be part of the final release. No translated string, label or words will be merged into the source repository if it is not first reviewed and approved by a proofreader.
In this section we will cover three important topics related to what a proofreader does:
Becoming a Proofreader
First, you must verify whether you are already registered as a "Proofreader" for the Liferay Portal translation project in Crowdin. In order to do so, you just need to log into Crowdin and go to your profile account details by clicking on the drop down menu in the top right corner:
That will show your profile page, with all the projects that you have enrolled in Crowdin, look for Liferay Portal and check your role in the project as shown at the right side of the project.
If you are not a proofreader, and you think you can help reviewing the translations, just drop us a line to Developer Relations email and let us know.
Review and approve or discard suggestions
Once you have verified that you have the proofreader role, you can suggest translations for strings, as any other translator would do, but you can also review the suggested translations to approve or reject them. The latter is the most important task that you can do as proofreader. In fact this is the task that we need you to focus on in your role as proofreader.
In this section we are going to show you how to review and approve, fix, or reject the current translation proposals.
The first thing you need to do is login into Crowdin and go to the Liferay Portal translation project page.
When you are there, click on one of the languages you speak and want to review. The translation page for that language will be presented, showing a tree with all the resource files containing the items that should be translated.
For each of the resource files, a status bar shows the percentage of elements that are translated and approved (shown in green), the amount of elements that have translation suggestions but need approval (shown in blue), and the amount of elements that have not received any translation suggestion yet (in gray).
If you hover over the status bar, a tooltip with the details and exact number of elements of each category will be shown.
Look for resource files that have translation suggestions submitted and ready to be reviewed (any resource file with a blue area on the status bar), and click on the file name to access its contents and see its elements.
On the left panel, the items to be translated are shown by their key name and preceded by a mark that identifies their status:
- The elements that have not been translated yet have a red square mark
- The elements that have received one or more translation suggestion, but have not been reviewed and approved have a green square
- The elements that have been approved with a valid translation are identified with a green tick mark
To start the review and approval of the elements for which at least a translation suggestion has been submitted, look for the first item with a green square and click on it. On the central area of the translation page you can see the text area to submit new translations. Below that that text area, you can see all previous suggestions. Review them and click on the tick mark button next to the choice that seems most appropriate.
If none of the options already submitted seem appropriate, you can always write a new version and submit it by entering the text on the upper text field and clicking the 'Save' button.
Once you approve any of the translations, crowdin will move automatically to the next element, so that it is easier and faster for you to continue reviewing more items.
Resolve translation issues
Sometimes translators disagree, find that some previously approved translations need work or desire to submit their own translation for a particular item. In those cases, proofreaders can create an issue and leave a comment with their reasoning or any translation suggestions they may have.
Usually you will be notified of these sorts of issues with a notification alert on the top bar, next to your profile button:
By clicking on the notifications button, you will see the list of new notifications, including any new issues raised by translators.
In that dropdown menu we will only see the recent notifications. Older issues will be hidden. If there aren't any new notifications, clicking on the bell icon of the top bar will show the notifications page where you have the possibility to filter the list of issues.
If you click on the 'Open Editor', link you will navigate to the resource file in which the issue has been detected. Then, on the right panel, you will see the message that the sent, and can review any new approval, modify the existing one or reply to the translator that raised the issue.
You can also Reply, Mark as Resolved, or Delete the issue by hovering over the issue and clicking on the desired option:
Finally, remember that is always a good idea to reply to the translator who created the issue to let him/her know that you have reviewed the issue, what what action you have taken, and why.