Translation Overview
As we want everyone to have the possibility to add their languages or propose changes to translations if there is any label or message that could be improved, we have set the Community Translation program, which allows community members to engage and help with translating Liferay Portal to their native languages.
How the translation process works
Every label, menu, menu item, message or, in one word, string that appears on the Liferay Portal Interface is stored on separated files: the language property files.
The language property files contain a set of key:value pairs. The key is the attribute of the label that will be referenced by Liferay Portal's code, and the value is the actual string that will be shown, depending on the selected language.
Those files are published from the master repository to an external platform (we are using as that localization management platform), that allows any community members to propose the translation for one or more languages, depending on which ones they speak.
Every proposal will be reviewed by proofreaders, selected people that are proficient in the language and fully understand the context in which the different labels are used in the user interface.
Once the proposals are accepted by the proofreader, another synchronization process merges the translations back into the master repositories, making them available for the future releases of Liferay Portal.
How you can help translating Liferay Portal to your language
Any Liferay Community member is more than welcome to help translating Liferay to their languages.
Start by becoming a translator, submit your proposals for untraslated labels, or review if you think a previous translated label can be improved.
If you are willing to engage even further, you can also ask to become a proofreader.