Report a Bug
All issues related to Liferay Portal should be reported through Liferay Ask.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a DXP customer, you should not report bugs Liferay Ask. You should use Liferay's Help Center instead.
You can anonymously search for and browse existing tickets by going to
Sign up for a Liferay account
Liferay will be using Liferay Ask to receive all bug reports. Liferay Ask requires a Liferay account in order to post new feedback on Liferay Ask.
Reporting an Issue
Once you have an account you can create new post(s) for the issue(s) you've encountered. Please understand that every post you open, goes through a well defined process and involves a number of people who spend valuable time trying to understand it, verify it, reproduce it and fix it. In order to speed up this process and help us focus on confirmed issues, please keep in mind the following guidelines.
Before you create a post, check to see if a Jira ticket already exists
Duplicates take time and effort to process which could be otherwise spent on fixing issues. Please make sure to search Jira for issues similar to yours and read through the comments. If the issue was reported and
- it was closed with "Won't fix" and you believe you have information that could be relevant please add a new post in the Bug Report subtopic in Liferay Ask linking the ticket with any new information.
- it was closed with "No longer reproducible", add a new post in the Bug Report subtopic in Liferay Ask and provide new or more detailed information that would make it reproducible.
- it was fixed in newer Liferay Portal version than the one you use, please do not create a new issue for your version and consider upgrading instead.
Provide very specific summary and steps to reproduce the issue.
The one-line summary of the bug need to be very specific about the problem, as this will attract (or not) those that may know how to fix it. For example:
BAD SUMMARY:Problem with Document LibraryGOOD SUMMARY:FileNotFound error when opening documents with no parent folderThe description should be written in a way that allows the reader to understand and reproduce the problem. For example:
BAD DESCRIPTION:Searching for documents by their full name returns more results than it should.GOOD DESCRIPTION:
Problem overview:
Searching for documents by their full name returns more results than it should.Steps to Reproduce:
- Go to Documents and Media.
- Add 3 documents (Document_1.jpg, Document_2.jpg, Document_3.jpg)
- Search for "Document_1.jpg".
Expected Results:
Only one result return.Actual Results:
3 results are returned.If you can, provide screenshots and/or screen casts. Those are especially helpful for diagnosing bugs!
Security issues are particularly important for us. Please refer to the "Security" page for more information but, the long story short, we believe in Responsible Disclosure. This means that when you find bugs related to security vulnerabilities, you give us a chance to respond (evaluate, resolve) security bugs before its details are publicly disclosed.
Therefore, if you believe you have discovered a security related bug, please report the issue to:
List the correct software version in which you found the issue.
This is one of the most key piece of information to get right. Here are some important things to keep in mind:
- List the exact version of Liferay Portal the bug was encountered on for example: Liferay Portal 7.4 GA46. If you have encountered this issue in master you can state the version as: Master (but most community members are using a released version of Liferay Portal).
- If you find a bug in a previous release that has reached its End Of Life, do not report it before you have confirmed it can be reproduced in the latest release of one of the currently active product versions.