Thiago Leão Moreira
[Czech] [Deutsch][English] [Español][Hrvatski] [中国的] A equipe Liferay tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Liferay Portal 6.1 EE! O Liferay Portal 6.1 EE proporciona à organizações uma plataforma web completa para colaboração social, gerenciamento de conteúdos web e ferramentas de desenvolvimento para criar soluções personalizadas. A seguir...
I'm on site these last days and one of my tasks was to execute some load testing and monitor a Liferay instance hosted in a network accessed only via SSH port. No other port except 22 and 80 was open. So after almost 2 days struggling with several different configurations I was able to monitor a remote instance of Liferay through JMX+RMI over SSH tunneling. I had...
Salve Brasil! Agora é a vez de São Paulo sediar mais uma sequência de treinamentos oficiais da Liferay. Estaremos oferecendo todos os 3 treinamentos regulares durante uma semana e meia em Agosto. Além dos treinamentos regulares um novo treinamento também será oferecido chamado Building Themes. Segue as informações: ...
Caros Brasileiros, É com alegria e satisfação que lhes comunico que a tradução do Liferay para a língua Portuguesa variação Brasileira foi revisada e corrigida manualmente todas as suas 5000+ sentenças. Foi um trabalho de mais de um ano e que teve como principal objetivo corrigir e traduzir de forma concisa e homogênea os termos. Caso você...
This is not a blog, it is a microblog! I just came here to show this simple and very cool feature, at least for me, the dependency management on deployment time. A little of context: The dependency management on software development is always a very hard task for everyone, since the developer until the deployer guy. How guarantee that everything that one plugin depends on is...
Hi there! We are glad to announce for all those of you Maven adicted like me , that now Liferay has its artifacts public in a Maven 2 repository! The community request was listened and answered. The repository contains artifacts of version 6.0.2 and 6.0.3. The deployed artifacts are: Core projects: portal-client portal-impl portal-service ...
I just finished a new feature for the Message Boards portlet. The new feature consist of a mechanism to link a Message Boards category to an existent mailing list service. Enabling the users to send messages from the Message Boards and reading it using a mailing list and vice-versa. Easy right? How this new feature will work? Simple, when you...
Before and after the Novell had turned your Collaborative portlets open source I worked with it to integrate with Liferay. The Collaborative portlets are another frontend to access the Groupwise Collaborative server, it is a very simple interface, you can view your email or your calendar appointments, add or update a new one it's not possible, but it's very helpful when your work ...