If you have taken a quick look to this post and believe that it's going to be a nightmare reading the entire text, good news! You can directly jump to Configuration.   Things have changed in 7.4 since the previous post was written. While all the explanation regarding Redis is still valid, classloader configuration is a bit different in Liferay 7.4. Anyway we'll perform a...

Check English version here   Liferay está diseñado para escalar horizontalmente soportando la adición de nuevos nodos. Estos nodos compartirán la misma información, pero también serán capaces de manejar diferentes peticiones simultáneamente. Más información se encuentra disponible en Liferay DXP Clustering. La sincronización y comunicación del clúster de Liferay...

Esta entrada de blog  está también disponible en español.   Liferay is designed to scale horizontally by supporting the addition of new nodes. This nodes will share the same information, but will also be able to handle different requests simultaneously. You can find much more information in Liferay DXP Clustering. Liferay cluster synchronization and...

Sometimes it can be useful for system administrators without Liferay knowledge (or without a Liferay administrator user) to be able to execute Liferay Groovy (or other supported scripting language) scripts. To accomplish this we can combine both Blade CLI and the Gogo shell scripting language. Blade CLIoffers some nice possibilities in order to manage your Liferay server...

Redis is an in-memory store that can be used to provide a central and external place to save the application session information. It can be very useful in cloud environments or to handle node crashes without losing session information. Redisson appears as an alternative in order to provide integration between Redis and Tomcat: Provides a Tomcat Session manager that Stores session of Apache...