Liferay IDE and Liferay Developer Studio Updates Released

Happy Friday!

Short blog post today since I've just found out that the Liferay IDE and the Liferay Developer Studio (LDS) have both been updated!

The updates basically update the built-in Blade version used by both IDEs, so this effectively enables both of the IDEs to target and use the Liferay Quarterly releases.

Installation instructions for the IDEs/updates can be found here:



I've found that the Liferay server that gets added to your Eclipse servers does not have the right JVM arguments which are required for latest liferay (eg. 2024 q2.7) to start with JDK 17.

If you are in this case, run startup.bat (or .sh) from outside of Eclipse. The setenv.bat file (which is not taken into account by Eclipse here) sets the required JVM arguments.

The recently released version 3.10.1 addresses the JVM args issue when starting the server from Eclipse. Would you be willing to try it out and see if the issue is resolved for you? Thanks!