David H Nebinger | 27 Feb 2019

Introduction Out of the box, Liferay DXP has fairly limited audit message output targets. In fact, there are only two that are provided: logging them or persisting to the database. Each of these come with their own set of issues. Logging is tough because it is not searchable and hardly usable. Database persistence doesn't have these problems, but the administration and...

Jamie Sammons | 07 Mar 2019

Overview As many of you know, we announced that we were going to start the 7.2 Community Beta Program with the release of 7.2 Alpha 1.  Since then we have come to the conclusion that bug reporting and providing feedback should be a continuous engagement and not be limited to a program with a short life span.  With the newly compressed release cycle we found that we were...

Olaf Kock | 26 Feb 2019

   It took me long enough to bring her on: She's followed Liferay's history for longer than some of the other founders: Caris Chan. And yes, that name means that she's Brian Chan's wife. During my last visit in Liferay HQ, I took the opportunity and asked her about her view on Liferay's history - about 15 years for the company and 20 years for the software project. ...

Iacopo Colonnelli | 25 Feb 2019

About a year and half ago, I was wondering if and how a tool like Liferay could benefit from containerization. Many other products had already been pushed on Docker Hub, but for Liferay there were only few, unofficial guides and examples. The relevant question was: In what way a Liferay image can simplify the software development process? Does it make any sense to spend some time...

Milen Dyankov | 21 Feb 2019

About two weeks ago, Jamie Sammons announced that Liferay 7.2 Community Beta Program is scheduled to start with the release of 7.2 Alpha 1, which is just around the corner. We know there are some people impatiently waiting for the program. In fact a question about it popped up on one of our Slack channels back in December. My response was “... you (and everyone else) are and will...

David H Nebinger | 30 Apr 2019

Introduction In the earlier days of Liferay, many administrators missed the warning about not using HSQLDB in production. By default, Liferay is configured to use HSQLDB so you can spin up a Liferay instance for development or testing or whatever, but HSQLDB was never to be used in production because it is not a production-ready database. It's easy to set Liferay up to use a...

Kyle Joseph Stiemann | 19 Feb 2019

Liferay Faces Roadmap for Liferay Portal 7.2 Support (2019) For Liferay 7.2 support we have three major goals: 1. Support deployment of thin JSF WARs. Liferay Faces has always required that developers embed the JSF implementation (Mojarra), all Liferay Faces JARs, and (optionally) CDI inside their WAR’s WEB-INF/lib folder. However, in Liferay 7.2 CDI dependencies will be...

Olaf Kock | 11 Feb 2019

The university content team is busy, and you can find a new full course on Liferay University. Upgrading Liferay This course starts at Liferay 6.2 and upgrades it all the way to 7.1. We're using the Enterprise path, e.g. from 6.2 EE to DXP 7.1 as usual on University, but the steps apply to the Community path as well. I've had the privilege to teach this course after the...

Adam Zawel | 05 Feb 2019

Hello Liferay Community Members! From 2007 – 2018, over 30,000 members made over 130,000 comments in the Liferay community forums. As the community discussions have recently moved to a new platform, this is a good time to analyze the great exchange of information over the past 12 years.  In this article, I use data science (Python Pandas and Python’s Natural Language...

Charles Wu | 05 Feb 2019

       If you are a new to liferay 7.x platform since liferay had migrate to OSGi platform, you must have meet the error Unresolved requirement: Import-Package  when deploying your bundles, i have a easy solution for you —— 'Take a look at your bundle's MANIFEST.MF'.       When you deploying your bundle to liferay portal, the...

Jamie Sammons | 01 Feb 2019

The main purpose of this release is give you a sneak peak of what’s coming in 7.2 and to get an early start on testing our packaging process. It is by no means feature complete and hasn’t been tested for quality. The Liferay 7.2 Community Beta Program is scheduled to start with the release of 7.2 Alpha 1 in the coming weeks. Similar to 7.1, the 7.2 beta program will be divided into...

William Gosse | 05 Feb 2019

I just completed a project that integrated Liferay 7.0 GA7 with Keycloak 4.8 for both authentication and authorization. For those who are not familar with Keycloak it is an open source access and identity manager, The authentication piece of this integration was assisted by the use of the use of the OpenId Connect Plugin that is...

Yanan Yuan | 29 Jan 2019

The new release of Liferay Project SDK and Studio Installers has been made available today. This new package support for Eclipse photon or greater. Download For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page.  Community downloads ...

Yanan Yuan | 25 Jan 2019

Key Features Watch improvements on gradle liferay workspace Add Target Platform in new liferay workpsace wizard Bug fixes   Upgrade From previous 3.x Download updatesite here Go to Help > Install New Software… > Add… Select Archive... Browse to the downloaded updatesite Click OK to close Add repository dialog Select all...

Yanan Yuan | 28 Jan 2019

The latest release of Liferay IntelliJ 1.2.1 plugin has been made available today. Head over to this page for downloading. Release Highlights: Wizards Added new module ext wizard Add target platform option in new liferay workspace wizard Editor Improvements code completion java bean for Liferay Taglib ...

Vitaliy Koshelenko | 22 Jan 2019

Problem: Running Liferay 7.1 from IDEA in Debug mode throws the following error by default: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/rt/debugger/agent/CaptureStorage However, Run mode works without any issues.   Fix: Disable Instrumenting agent in "Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Async Stacktraces": Hope, this will help :) ...

Jamie Sammons | 31 May 2019

Overview Find a list of what’s included in the release in the Release Notes Download the release now at: New Features Summary Oracle OpenJDK 11 -  GA3 has been tested for use with Oracle OpenJDK 11.  For more information on JDK 11 support in Liferay CE/DXP please see the JDK Roadmap post.  Also check...

David H Nebinger | 18 Jan 2019

Introduction For folks that know me, they know one of my favorite soapbox rants is on HTTP and/or Portlet session storage. Recently my friend Kyle Stiemann wrote a blog about Session Storage in Liferay, and he reached out to me to proof the blog post before it was published. While it was really well written and informative, I must admit I didn't want it published. Providing a...

Koen Olaerts | 17 Jan 2019

For a recent project, we developed an Angular application that uses Liferay DXP as the back end. In this Angular application we regularly make requests into the Portal back end for User information, Journal Articles, ... Mostly this works great as we have defined several custom REST end points in DXP from which we can make use of the Liferay services and other nifty Liferay stuff. ...

David H Nebinger | 28 Feb 2019

Introduction I have helped many companies and organizations install Liferay (5, 6 and now 7/DXP), but often times they will stop there. I mean, once the app servers are up and serving traffic correctly, aspects like the log file(s) are ignored. Well, at least as long as everything is operating smoothly; when something has gone wrong, the log file(s) is (are) one of the first places...