Entries with Releases Liferay Portal 7.1 .

David H Nebinger | 30 Aug 2023

Just a quick post today about the new Blade 5.0 release... It's out now, and you can update your local Blade using the blade update command. This new release supports JDK 11.0.20+ (so you don't have to manually massage your settings.gradle files to support it), plus for new workspaces it will use Gradle 7 (7.3.3) as well as the latest workspace plugin versions. For...

David H Nebinger | 18 Aug 2023

NOTE: Please read to the end of the blog, there are important updates that affect developers, don't just stop at the conclusion... Introduction So, the various flavors of Java have just released the shiny new version, 11.0.20. Like many, I'm sure, I tried to start up Liferay with this new JDK and hit an exception at startup: Caused by:...

David H Nebinger | 15 Jul 2023

Let me say that again: Content Creation is Not a Development Activity! Pretty strong statement, but for for those considering Liferay as a platform it's really an important concept, one that lives in the core of Liferay. Note: This is really a different kind of blog post for me. I prefer to keep things technical and discuss practical solutions to ...