Entries with Projects Cloud .

David H Nebinger | 13 Jun 2024

In my last blog, Creating a React Client Extension, I basically built a React-based SPA that was hosted on Liferay. And I got to thinking that we really aren't sharing just how great Liferay is to host Javascript-based SPAs in any framework, be it React, Angular, Vue.js or others. So I thought I'd take some time to share with Javascript developers some reasons why...

David H Nebinger | 16 May 2024

Just a short one today... I happened to be researching Object Validations and I saw an interesting note posted here: https://learn.liferay.com/w/dxp/liferay-development/objects/creating-and-managing-objects/validations/adding-field-validations#using-groovy-validations To quote (in case the content gets changed): IMPORTANT As of DXP 2024.Q2/Portal 7.4 GA120,...

David H Nebinger | 25 Apr 2024

Introduction I was recently asked whether it is possible to migrate from HCL DX™ to Liferay DXP. I think the expected response was "no", because they seemed shocked when I said it was possible. Let's ride along with Mr. Peabody and Sherman in the Wayback Machine to review some history and understand why migration is possible... Set the Wayback Machine for...

David H Nebinger | 15 Apr 2024

Introduction In my recent blog, Introduction to Liferay Objects, I used Objects and Liferay OOTB facilities to have a list of Course Registrations and UI interfaces for submitting a new Course Registration, listing them, and for admin users the ability to approve or deny them. It worked well, but it didn't handle maybe some expected requirements. For example, the...

David H Nebinger | 05 Apr 2024

Introduction So I've been working on my Objects Rule! series and have been working on an app I plan on showing off soon, but I realized that there is probably a gap explaining, well, how do you get started? I mean, it's one thing to go and check the client extensions sample repo here: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/tree/master/workspaces/liferay-sample-workspace,...

David H Nebinger | 16 Mar 2024

Introduction Wow, I've blogged about Liferay Objects a lot lately. Talked about them too. Also am working on developing materials for learn.liferay.com about Objects. But one thing I haven't seen is an introduction to objects suitable for long-time Liferay users or new Liferay users, so I thought I'd take time to write one (since my blog ideas well seems to be...

David H Nebinger | 09 Mar 2024

Introduction I was recently in a meeting reviewing some FreeMarker templates that were extracting web contents using a structure, parsing and processing the data, and rendering an output. Basically the implementation was kind of the classic or "legacy" way of doing specialized presentation of structured contents in Liferay. In this case they had a Carousel...

Daniel Dias | 06 Feb 2024

Introduction GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git repository manager, continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and a range of collaboration and project management features. It is used to manage the software development process, facilitating collaboration among team members, version control with Git, and automated build and deployment...

Daniel Dias | 20 Feb 2024

Introduction Kubernetes, commonly referred to as K8s, is an open-source system designed for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is a robust and flexible solution for deploying Liferay, facilitating scalability and monitoring. While creating a Liferay cluster on Kubernetes is not overly complex, there are certain nuanced...

David H Nebinger | 06 Dec 2023

Introduction So I was recently working with a team that was completing an upgrade assessment for a client wanting to upgrade from 7.2 to 7.4. A big chunk of the work in upgrading the client was going to be taken upgrading the themes. The client had one primary theme which contained the common style rules, but they also had 8 "child" themes, based upon the primary,...

Yash Thakare | 11 Dec 2023

Setting Up Glowroot on LXC-SM, Liferay Cloud Fabian's blog illustrates Glowroot setup in an on-premises environment here. Now, let's outline the steps for integrating Glowroot within Liferay's LXC-SM cloud infrastructure. Key Components and Configuration Files: LCP.json: This pivotal file, residing in the 'liferay' directory, ...

Iván Zaera Avellón | 20 Oct 2023

This article explains how to deploy npm packages bundled with webpack that export and import stuff through the standard ECMAScript modules feature. This is a sequel of the Moving from AMD to Browser modules in Liferay DXP blog post, so it’s recommended reading that if you haven’t done so already. Why use webpack with ES modules? The main goal of using webpack and ES...

Iván Zaera Avellón | 11 Aug 2023

This article explains how to leverage the new ECMAScript modules feature (from now on will be referred to as ESM), Custom Element and Import Map Entry client extensions in Liferay DXP to achieve the same goals possible in the AMD architecture (and more). The motivation for this article is that, with the new ESM/client extensions architecture, the things we were used to doing with...

David H Nebinger | 02 Oct 2023

Introduction So if you really want to set off a firestorm with geeks like myself, step into the group and say "VI is better than Emacs!" Be sure to turn and walk away quickly or you might find yourself included in the tussle. Another way to set off a firestorm is to mention ChatGPT. Some like it, some hate it. I'm not really going to cover whether it is...

Chirag Lakhamani | 24 Mar 2023

Liferay DXP 7.4 supports integration with Azure Blob Storage for storing and managing files in the cloud. This integration allows users to take advantages of the scalability and durability of Azure Blob Storage while using Liferay DXP as their content management system. Azure Blob Storage is a cloud-based object storage service offered by Microsoft Azure. It is designed to store...

David H Nebinger | 02 Mar 2022

Another quick one this week... A community member reached out and asked for help with a problem on their DXP Cloud site. They were already working with DXP Cloud support, but they had been struggling with the issue for over a week and were trying to get help from all corners... When they accessed their site using the direct URL (an internal URL that all DXP Cloud admins have access to), the...

David H Nebinger | 07 Feb 2022

Introduction I've worked with clients that, for one reason or another, needed to change their database platform. This ask has increased with the move to DXPCloud and MySQL database. I'm not sure there's a well defined plan for how to migrate a Liferay database, so I thought I'd blog about it. Now, if you know anything about me, you know I'm a planner and I create (sometimes intricate)...

Madhukar Kumar | 21 Jan 2022

What is two-way ssl communication? In two-ways ssl authentication, Client and server need to validate and authenticate each other's identities. This can be summarized with the picture below. How ever, I will be writing a separate post about SSL and two-way authentication later.         In this post we will talk about calling external API which is two way SSL...

David H Nebinger | 27 Aug 2021

Introduction I posted two blog posts this week, and each of them had a particular drawback - lack of cluster coordination. The first blog post on cluster-enabled upgrade processes introduced using an @Reference dependency upon a specific Release version, the idea being that the component shouldn't start unless that version was available. When the upgrade process would run on the cluster...

David H Nebinger | 19 Jul 2021

Introduction So I was recently asked to help build a custom Liferay docker image for a client and there were some specific requirements such as: Should not contain hard-coded credentials, those will be available as environment variables. Should be a single image that can be used in every environment, DEV, UAT and PROD. Now these kinds of things can be challenging to do if you were to...