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Main menu dropdown submenu on mobile

Iñaki Bergara, modified 7 Years ago.

Main menu dropdown submenu on mobile

Junior Member Posts: 65 Join Date: 10/30/11 Recent Posts

I've been using liferay (6.2) for a while, but I don't have much mobile experience. As such, I've run into an issue with the way Liferay handles the submenus: the on hover action. How can this be handled on a touch screen?

Right now, when you hover over a page with child pages on the main menu, you get those child pages. However, on mobile, if you click on it you go directly to the main page and the subpages become unusable. I thought of making the top "page" element unclickable, but if there is suh an option I don't see where it is.

I assume there is a commonly used solution, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any suggestions?