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Liferay interviewed by Oracle

Sharmila Wijeyakumar, modified 10 Years ago.

Liferay interviewed by Oracle

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 12/20/12 Recent Posts
I thought you might be interested in this clip I captured from today's launch of Java EE 7, featuring our very own Michael Han being interviewed "live" by the keynote presenter, Cameron Purdy, VP of Development for Oracle. This 7-minute (!) spot occurred about 20 minutes into the keynote, after two brief video "cutaways" from IBM and Infosys, and generated a lot of Twitter traffic.

Sorry for the low quality, it was a realtime screengrab on my desktop. There will be a full replay at 9pm PT tonight, and I presume at some point the full replay will be available from Oracle.

Quite nice to get 7 minutes in front of that big of an audience, and shows our commitment to standards and community.

Watch at this link
