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Liferay 7/DXP Organization Role assignment issue

Jiten R. Vaghela, modified 2 Years ago.

Liferay 7/DXP Organization Role assignment issue

New Member Posts: 20 Join Date: 8/22/16 Recent Posts

Hello folks,

I'm working on Liferay 7/dxp(Liferay Digital Experience Platform 7.0.10 GA1 Patch: de-71-7010, hotfix-8192-7010).
In my project I have to assign organization role programatically.

I Used UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil for adding the organization role.
Here is the code snip:

	ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) renderRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
	User user = themeDisplay.getUser();
	//Getting organization
	Organization organization = OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.fetchOrganization(themeDisplay.getCompanyId(), "ABC_ORG");
	if(Validator.isNotNull(organization)) {
		boolean isOrgAssigned = UserLocalServiceUtil.hasOrganizationUser(organization.getOrganizationId(), user.getUserId());
		System.out.println("isOrgAssigned :: "+isOrgAssigned);
		if(!isOrgAssigned) {
			UserLocalServiceUtil.addOrganizationUser(organization.getOrganizationId(), user.getUserId());
		Role orgRole = RoleLocalServiceUtil.fetchRole(themeDisplay.getCompanyId(), "ORG_USR");
		System.out.println("orgRole :: "+orgRole);
		if(Validator.isNotNull(orgRole)) {
			boolean hasUserGroupRole = UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil.hasUserGroupRole(user.getUserId(), organization.getGroupId(), orgRole.getRoleId());
			System.out.println("hasUserGroupRole :: "+hasUserGroupRole);
			if(!hasUserGroupRole) {
				//Getting orgGroup
				Group orgGroup = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getOrganizationGroup(organization.getCompanyId(), organization.getOrganizationId());
				long [] userIds = new long[]{user.getUserId()};
				System.out.println("========>>>>>>>>>>>> Before call.....");
				UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil.addUserGroupRoles(userIds, orgGroup.getGroupId(), orgRole.getRoleId());
				System.out.println("========>>>>>>>>>>>> AFter call......");
}catch(Exception e){

Here in above code I'm getting user from themeDisplay
I have one Organization called "ABC_ORG".
I have one organization role called "ORG_USR".

I want to assign "ORG_USR" Organization role to User for "ABC_ORG" organization.

While executing the above script till below line I'm getting logs.
========>>>>>>>>>>>> Before call.....
But when "UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil.addUserGroupRoles(userIds, orgGroup.getGroupId(), orgRole.getRoleId());" line gets executed remaining code will not executed. I dont get line "========>>>>>>>>>>>> AFter call......" in logs. There is no exception nothing.

After executing above code the site can't reach exception message appeared in browser.

After executing above code if I do clear dbcache from server administration. The reset of the code gets executed and I got

========>>>>>>>>>>>> AFter call.......

I tried all 3 apis available in UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil class for assigning organization role.

  1. addUserGroupRole(UserGroupRole userGroupRole)
  2. addUserGroupRoles(long userId, long groupId, long[] roleIds)
  3. addUserGroupRoles(long[] userIds, long groupId, long roleId)

For all of the above getting same issue.

I checked liferay source code for execution logic in

Service (line no 285)
Persistence (line no 2869)

There we have cache cleaning logic that might causing issue.

Please someone help me out in this.

Jiten Vaghela