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Ext changes are not loading for liferay 6.2 with Maven build, LoginUtil

Brijesh Desai, modified 2 Years ago.

Ext changes are not loading for liferay 6.2 with Maven build, LoginUtil

Junior Member Posts: 55 Join Date: 10/22/14 Recent Posts

Hello All,

I am creating ext plugin with liferay 6.2.10 EE.

with Ant build it is loading changes but with Maven build it is not loading changes.

I need to override class from ext-impl: ext-impl\src\com\liferay\portlet\login\util\

I was comparing war file from ant build to maven build, I found following difference in generated file ext-project-ext.xml.

A) In Ant built war file, it has following line in generated ext-project-ext.xml


but with maven built war file, above line is not present in ext-project-ext.xml. Do we have any way to declare overridden class in any configuration file in case of maven.

B) With Ant built war file LoginUtil.class is present under ext-impl.jar, but with maven built war file ext-impl.jar is not having loginUtil.class. can we fix this by any configuration ?

both above A and B are relative and with anyone configuration it may fix both issue.

Because of above 2 difference, It is not loading the changes.

To get possible help, I have posted same question on stackoverflow.

Regards, Brijesh