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DL Folder download size exceeds 10 GB then need to display error message an

srini vasulu, modified 3 Years ago.

DL Folder download size exceeds 10 GB then need to display error message an

Regular Member Posts: 139 Join Date: 2/22/11 Recent Posts
Hi all,
DL Folder download size exceeds 10 GB then we need to display error message.
here we deloped the EditFolderMVCResourceCommand class hook like below.

property = {
service = MVCResourceCommand.class
public class FolderDownloadResourceCommand implements MVCResourceCommand {

public boolean serveResource(ResourceRequest resourceRequest, ResourceResponse resourceResponse)
throws PortletException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
long repositoryId = ParamUtil.getLong(resourceRequest, "repositoryId");
long folderId = ParamUtil.getLong(resourceRequest, "folderId");

try {
double gbData = CommonUtil.getDownloadSize(repositoryId ,folderId, _dlAppService);
if(Validator.isNotNull(maxDownloadsize) && gbData < 10.0) {
mvcResourceCommand.serveResource (resourceRequest, resourceResponse);
}else {
System.out.println("Error message it's more than actual size"); // here it's entering but need to know how to display error message in screen

} catch (PortalException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return true;

@Reference(unbind = "-")
protected void setDLAppService(DLAppService dlAppService) {
_dlAppService = dlAppService;

@Reference(target = "(")
protected MVCResourceCommand mvcResourceCommand;

//private static final Log log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(FolderDownloadResourceCommand.class);

private DLAppService _dlAppService;

after enter above else condition then screen displaying blank

Please let me know how we want to do that?