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David H Nebinger | 13 Sep 2019

Introduction In part 1 of this series, we started a project to build our own custom Headless APIs using Liferay's REST Builder tool. The project was started, four modules were created and I presented the Meta and Reusable Components sections from my OpenAPI Yaml file. We're going to pick up where we left off and finish presenting the Paths (endpoints) section and then start...

David H Nebinger | 13 Sep 2019

Introduction So recently I have been working with Liferay's new Headless APIs... I have a nice React-based SPA leveraging the new headless-delivery and headless-user-admin modules. I'm going to release everything eventually, but some parts just aren't ready yet. The first part is ready, though: using the new REST Builder tool to create your own Headless APIs. I know what...

David H Nebinger | 27 Aug 2019

Recently I was one of many trying to help a coworker figure out why a Liferay OOTB feature was failing... We had odd stack traces, null object references when OSGi never should have allowed a null to begin with, and nothing we tried would fix the problem. Eventually we found that, for some reason, two different versions of a Liferay bundle had been deployed into the environment....

David H Nebinger | 25 Aug 2019

So the last couple of days I've been working on a new React Headless app that I'm going to be sharing soon, but for various reasons I've had to refer to the /api/jsonws page to check out the classic APIs there that are still available. Just as a bit of background, I have an awesome 27" iMac that I do all of my development on. I love it so much that I purchased an additional Apple...

David H Nebinger | 30 Jan 2024

Whenever I start working with a new client, I always share with them my three rules for effectively working with support: 1. Open tickets as soon as you think you will need Liferay Support. With each new ticket there is sometimes necessary "back and forth" in order to gather necessary contextual details, confirm what is being reported, etc. Opening tickets as...

David H Nebinger | 23 Aug 2019

Just a quick post today... Helped a client who was getting a message in the logs after configuring the SAML SP in Liferay using an ADFS IdP: Caused by: Inbound message issuer was not authenticated. at ...

Milen Dyankov | 07 Aug 2019

Participate in an Open Source project? Meaning ... do what exactly? The trouble with that phrase is that everyone puts their own meaning in it. Some will claim it’s not participation unless you write code. Others will claim that’s actually “contributing” (which IMHO is not less ambiguous word) and everything else is participation. For us, it’s simple - whatever you do to make our...

Milen Dyankov | 06 Aug 2019

As expected (we wrote the redirect rules after all) and confirmed by our access logs, the documentation was the first place you discovered in the new Liferay Portal website. But did you notice what has changed apart from the URL? New documentation structure  The 7.2 developer docs are now organized in a new way - grouped by tasks you as developer may have:  ...

Milen Dyankov | 06 Aug 2019

Have you been asked “What is Liferay Portal?” or “Why are you using it?” or similar questions? Given all the things it actually is and does, it is sometimes hard to find a simple and accurate answer! So we thought we would provide one for you: It’s The Java Platform for Busy Developers   At least, that is what we believe it is and we are working hard to make it easier...

Milen Dyankov | 06 Aug 2019

It’s been almost two months now and most of you have probably managed to get used to the new websites and domain names. We invested a lot of time into making the right redirects and to not break your browsing habits. Given the very few issues reported it seems we succeeded. That said, you may have been focused only on the things relevant to you at the moment and missed the big...

David H Nebinger | 04 Jan 2024

Hey, did you know that the Gradle version of the Liferay Workspace now supports building your very own customized Liferay Docker images? Neither did I... I stumbled upon this support in the recent Blade releases. I think at this point in time it might officially be considered as "incubating", but I've given it a spin and feel like it is in good enough shape to start...

David H Nebinger | 29 Jul 2019

The Liferay Workspace comes with a great build option that I'm not sure developers know about and/or use - distribution bundles. When you have your Gradle-based workspace, the simple command gradlew distBundleZip or gradlew distBundleTar can build you a prepackaged Liferay bundle using Liferay CE or DXP, Tomcat, your custom modules as well as your configuration for the targeted...

David H Nebinger | 28 Jul 2019

Okay, so I'm like working on a bigger project that will be a bigger blog sometime soon, but I really need a current Liferay DXP tarball. When I say current, I mean that it must have: The latest version of Tomcat 9 Fixpacks (and possibly hotfixes) applied. As a DXP client, this just won't be available to you for download. Even if you are just using Liferay CE,...

David H Nebinger | 27 Jul 2019

I was recently fishing for topics to build potential sessions for Devcon 2019 (you're going, right? ;-) ) and one community member suggested the topic of Service Trackers. While I'm not sure I could fill a whole session on service trackers, I think I can certainly fill a blog entry about them... What Are Service Trackers The best way I can describe service trackers, well they...

David H Nebinger | 27 Jul 2019

Liferay 7.2 has an updated Service Builder that introduces some changes that we should all be aware of. From a Dependency Injection perspective, not really much is going to change for us when it comes to consuming the services. Just as we did for 7.0 and 7.1, we will still have a member variable in our @Component for a service instance and then @Reference inject it in. As long as...

Yanan Yuan | 27 Jun 2019

Head over to this page for downloading Liferay IntelliJ 1.5.0 plugin. Release Highlights: Add support for development on Liferay 7.2 Update embedded blade to 3.7.0 Add index sources option in new Liferay Workspace wizard Add inspections for service.xml editor Some screenshots Index sources in new Liferay Wroskapce wizard By default, "index...

Yanan Yuan | 27 Jun 2019

New Liferay Project SDK Installers and Developer Studio  3.6.1 ga2 has been made available today. This new package is based on eclipse 2018-12 and support for eclipse Photon or greater. Download:  Customer downloads: Download all of them on the customer studio download page. Community downloads: ...

David Gómez | 25 Jun 2019

We, as software developers, usually need to reach our users through different channels: from web sites to applications running on smart devices (smartphones, smartwatches, ...) or even through IoT devices… and all those solutions, oriented to the different ways that nowadays the users can interact with our systems, share the same content and features. Even if we are just creating a...

David H Nebinger | 18 Jun 2019

Quite some time ago I was working with a client that had built web service clients as OSGi modules and leveraged JAXB. During load testing, we found that after many hours of heavy use, the Liferay nodes would stop serving traffic and, for all intents and purposes, would die.  Threads would get hung, blocked waiting to load a class from the web service client, and eventually...

Olaf Kock | 27 Jun 2019

If you're with Liferay for a while, you may remember the past incarnations of this article, and have dutifully waited for this repost, adapted to the latest versions, 7.2 CE and DXP 7.2. ;) What's it all about? When you drag&drop widgets on the page, you might expect a visual indicator for the possible drop zones (that depend on your page's layout): The necessary CSS...