Janne Hietala | 02 Feb 2016

Digital Transformation of Learning is changing the way we learn and develop. Today, technology enables a variety of different approaches to teaching and learning. Phenomenon-based learning is one of the learning pedagogies that has recently raised a lot of discussion around the world. The results of this cutting-edge approach to education are seen as...

Dominik Marks | 31 Jan 2016

How can you access custom classes within a JSP hook? Simple answer: you can't. Period. JSPs in a hook are running in the portal classloader, while your custom classes are running in the hook context classloader. So the JSP in the portal classloader does not know about your custom classes. In 2013 Kan Zhang wrote a blog post about how to use custom classes in a JSP hook....

Olaf Kock | 26 Jan 2016

  In this episode, recorded at Liferay's Devcon 2015 in Darmstadt/Germany, I'm talking to Scott Nicklous and Neil Griffin. Scott is the specification lead for JSR-362 - otherwise known as the Portlet Specification 3.0 - and Neil serves as Liferay's representative on the expert group. Here are some of the topics that we talked about: JSR 362 page with all the latest...

Javeed Chida | 25 Jan 2016

Content Friendly URL? This is one of those tidbits you get served on a platter if you're lucky enough to attend a Liferay training session. Anyway, content friendly url may not be the legit term, but what I'm referring to is a URL crafted using a Journal Article's urlTitle attribute, which is stored in every journalarticle record btw.  ...

Tim Telcik | 21 Apr 2018

Overview Patching info for the Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition (EE) may be identified using the Liferay Portal patching tool natively or via the Patching Tool Info plugin in the Control Panel. NOTE: The patching tool is only available for the Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition (EE). It is not available for the Community Edition (CE). Using the Patching Tool via the...

Janne Hietala | 26 Jan 2016

We are glad to announce that the new Valamis 2.6 Enterprise Edition has now been released. In this release new features have been introduced especially to the Lesson Studio. Also, importing questions from Moodle to Valamis environment is now possible. New Features & Improvements One of the biggest improvements in the Lesson Studio...

Janne Hietala | 26 Jan 2016

We are approaching a point in time where the rapid acceleration of technology related to education, course development, and learning has produced large amount of content and knowledge concepts. Today learners of all ages are able to reach the content simply providing that they have an access to the internet and a computer or a mobile device. Deciding when and where...

Lauri Hiltunen | 20 Jan 2016

Liferay allows using site specific Google Analytics tracking codes to analyze the traffic inside your portal. Adding the code is simply a matter of going to the site settings and saving the code you need. Insert your google analytics id in site settings However, the default version of Liferay's Google Analytics code might not be enough in some cases, as it offers...

Jose M. Navarro | 01 Apr 2016

Hey everyone! We're celebrating this new year with a new version: Liferay Screens 1.3! Last months we've been busy as crazy helping with our first enterprise projects using Liferay Screens. Some of our Liferay customers are realizing that most of their users are accessing their portals using mobile devices. So most of the times the decision is easy as pie: let's optimize...

Jan Eerdekens | 17 Jan 2016

When working with a cluster you pretty quickly come to a point where you want/need to know what cluster node you're on. Liferay already has a simple way to show you this. You just need to add the following line to your and hey presto! it shows the current web server node ID in a blue box at the bottom of the page: web.server.display.node=true ...

Krzysztof Gołębiowski | 18 Jan 2016

I recently started working on integrating Liferay with ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana, also known as ELK Stack. Every Liferay developer knows very well where to search for logs and what they exactly mean, but very few had time to look closer at the mechanism as a whole. Therefore, I decided that the first step will be to analyze current logging...

James Falkner | 15 Jan 2016

I'm very happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA6! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [JBoss Bundle] [GlassFish Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Quick Start] [Detailed Install Instructions]. This is a minor update to address a significant incompatibility discovered in our community with Liferay  Sync. As Liferay 7 is right around the...

Yoshiki Hisamoto | 14 Jan 2016

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into...

Yoshiki Hisamoto | 14 Jan 2016

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into...

James Falkner | 14 Jan 2016

Back in 2012 we began a quarterly program to recognize those of you who have over the years contributed more to Liferay than your average open source enthusiast. Each quarter we recognize the top contributors and the last 2 quarters are no different. These individuals have contributed code, blogs, helped out on the forums, and generally improved the Liferay community...

Tim Telcik | 21 Apr 2018

Overview Sometimes ... things do not go to plan when using mail (email) in Liferay Portal. However you can quickly find the cause by logging the outbound mail message. You can enable additional logging to help trace inbound and outbound mail. NOTE: This article was extracted from article How to configure Google Mail in Liferay Portal Test Environments The...

Meera Prince | 08 Jan 2016

The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) is specification that defines modular based software management and its execution. OSGi makes software management and its execution simpler by making large application into small bunch of pieces and we call it as module. These modules are working independent way so that when we need we can start module and we can stop module. As for OSGi...

Marcos Castro | 01 Jan 2016

I would like to start saying that this entry is focused on designers and front-ends but I think that it would be useful for all people who wants to know what is the real advantage to applying Atomic design. Part of this entry is about Liferay themes, so I have to say that for me there are three approaches to turn visual designs in a Liferay theme: Close to bootstrap...

Javeed Chida | 04 Jan 2016

Okay, that is a mouthful. To rephrase my compound title, we'll be talking about an approach that  uses search to update a content item that follows a structure tailored to a template that renders a megamenu. There! Thats the flow in a nutshell. If that already has the gears turning in your head, then you're welcome. Ta-ta! But if you need more,...

Marcos Castro | 28 Dec 2015

Hey guys, before this year ends I wanted to share with you some impressions and feedback which many of you have given me about the three free themes I have shared this year. First, I would like to give you thanks for all positive appreciations: 5/5 stars, comments, almost 5.000 downloads, keep them all these months between more viewed in Liferay marketplace or even some...