Entries with Products Liferay Commerce .

Mohammed Yasin | 21 Apr 2022

Liferay provides an option to configure password policy (refer), it provides an option to mention Password Expiry Time. Once the Password is expired then user will not be able to login to the system and when user tries to login, Liferay shows error message :   Error: Your password has expired. Please contact an administrator to reset your password. Admin needs to reset the user...

Roselaine Marques | 14 Sep 2022

IMPORTANT: this blog post was done with Liferay Portal version 7.4.1 GA 2, which you can use as your guide, but you need to adapt to your own version (CartItem.js file and dependencies from .npmbundlerc and package.json if needed).  NOTICE: This blog  post has Spanish and English version. When you start to build an e-commerce website with Liferay Commerce, you...

David H Nebinger | 17 Aug 2021

About a year ago, Liferay introduced a new program that I have been actively participating in, Liferay Developer Services. But what is this program? Liferay Support When you are a Liferay DXP customer, you automatically get access to Liferay Support as part of the Subscription Services. Support is staffed by a great bunch of people that want to help clients resolve product-level issues....

David H Nebinger | 30 Jan 2024

Whenever I start working with a new client, I always share with them my three rules for effectively working with support: 1. Open tickets as soon as you think you will need Liferay Support. With each new ticket there is sometimes necessary "back and forth" in order to gather necessary contextual details, confirm what is being reported, etc. Opening tickets as...

David H Nebinger | 15 Jul 2023

Let me say that again: Content Creation is Not a Development Activity! Pretty strong statement, but for for those considering Liferay as a platform it's really an important concept, one that lives in the core of Liferay. Note: This is really a different kind of blog post for me. I prefer to keep things technical and discuss practical solutions to ...