Entries with tag blade .

David H Nebinger | 10 May 2024

So I was starting a new workspace yesterday, issued my normal command: $ blade init projectname Error: The command init is missing required parameters. The following option is required: [-v | --liferay-version] The Liferay product to target. Typing "more" will show all product versions. 1: dxp-2024.q1.6 2: dxp-2023.q4.9 3: portal-7.4-ga112 4: dxp-2023.q3.9 5: dxp-7.3-u36 6:...

David H Nebinger | 30 Mar 2024

Introduction I recently advocated for the demise of the specialized Liferay IDEs/IDE Plugins. Advocating for them to be decommissioned is one thing, but sharing how you can live without them can be another thing... So I thought I'd blog about how you can use a vanilla, off the shelf version of Eclipse/Intellij along with Blade & Gradle to accomplish similar...

David H Nebinger | 30 Aug 2023

Just a quick post today about the new Blade 5.0 release... It's out now, and you can update your local Blade using the blade update command. This new release supports JDK 11.0.20+ (so you don't have to manually massage your settings.gradle files to support it), plus for new workspaces it will use Gradle 7 (7.3.3) as well as the latest workspace plugin versions. For...