Neha Goyal | 05 Jan 2018

This blog is for creating an interface which will show number of live users and some other details. First of all create a portlet which will provide interface and then create a hook within the portlet.Below link willl help to create hook in portlet. view.jsp Add below line of code in portlet...

Minhchau Dang | 29 Jan 2018

Welcome to the fourth entry in a series about what to keep in mind when building Liferay from source. First, to recap the previous entries in this series from last year: Getting Started with Building Liferay from Source: How to get a clone of the Liferay central repository and how to build Liferay from source. Also some tools that can help you setup your IDE (whether it's...

Ignacio Roncero Bazarra | 29 Jan 2018

Short explanation If you want to convert a third party library of your portlets (modules) into a Bundle OSGi to be used by all modules, you could create a new module with your third party library and dependences and be used by your modules. To explain this we will use JasperReport third party library. Supose that you have a module that uses JasperReport to generate PDF files....

Neha Goyal | 05 Jan 2018

<%@page import="sun.awt.RepaintArea"%> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet" %> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-security" %> <%@ taglib...

Sushil Patidar | 16 Jan 2018

I wrote blog for theme development with IDE . Further I explored the way to configure gradle project. I would like to share those steps that I have experienced hard to find and many developers I saw asking for the same thing on the forums. Gradle Configuration   By default, if we create theme using IDE it templates are built using freemarker and parent theme is...

Zeno Rocha | 18 Dec 2017

The Liferay ecosystem is richer than ever, and our community members have never been as global. Each one of us has different interests and with all this diversity, it gets hard to understand the people behind our community. This is where this survey comes in: we asked 28 questions, covering topics going from favorite projects all the way to events and user groups. In total we had 393...

Richard Sezov | 15 Dec 2017

This year, the Knowledge Management team at Liferay set out not only to document Liferay 7/DXP, but to document it well. To do this, we identified several improvements we wanted to make: We wanted to connect powerfully with users and customers. To do this, we made a significant effort toward documenting the right things, the things people needed the most to learn about. We...

Sandeep Sapra | 08 Dec 2017

Liferay provide OOTB features for Preview of Documents (PDF,  Word, Image), Media (Audio and Video) in Document and Media Portlet.  The same is available after installing following components ImageMagick -  To convert into images for preview Ghostscript  - Dependency of ImageMagick Xuggler  - For Audio and Video.  Has to be...

Sandeep Sapra | 08 Dec 2017

Liferay Theme generator tool is an easy way to create themes in Liferay v6.2 and 7. You would not need SDK for this but remember that there are some prequisities in terms of installation and configuration of few components before you can actually create theme and deploy to your Liferay. Sharing this quick and short article on to highlight what are those key components to be...

Olaf Kock | 07 Dec 2017

Yay, it took a while to get onto it again, and finally I updated Custom Navigation and it just went through the approval process yesterday. Now it's available for Liferay 7 and DXP as well. What does it do? If you've wondered why Liferay defaults to showing only the public pages, or only the private pages in the navigation, never both together, this plugin is for you. Now...

Iacopo Colonnelli | 31 May 2018

Introduction OSGi Fragments are a really powerful tool to extend the features of an existing bundle. Indeed, since fragments share classpath with their host bundle, they allow us to implement new functionalities avoiding unnecessary resource replications. Nevertheless, there are two main limitations that must be taken into account: since fragments never reach the Active...

Petteri Karttunen | 23 Mar 2021

Previous parts of this series can be found here (part 1),  here (part 2), here (part 3) and here (part 4). In the final part of this blog series few more interesting features are added to the previously created search portlet: possibility to use Liferay Audience Targeting to make segmented content more relevant, possibility to configure sort and facet...

Sandeep Sapra | 24 Nov 2017

Liferay Integration with Analytics 1) With Google Analytics Set up an account with Google Analytics: This will create a Tracking Id   Configure the Tracking ID In liferay Configuration --> Site Settings --> Analytics A Tracking Code will be generated which can then pasted in JavaScript of the Liferay...

John Feeney | 24 Nov 2017

This blog entry is part of a three-part blog series that explores some of the great features provided by Liferay Screens and Liferay Mobile SDK. In this this series, I will cover: Liferay Screens – Use screenlets in your native Android or iOS app to leverage content and services available on your Liferay server Liferay Push Notifications – Push offers and...

Sandeep Sapra | 17 Nov 2017

Description: For Servlet configuration in Liferay DXP portlet,  we will need to make necessary changes to the configuration files. Start with making a plugin custom portlet and add a servlet to this portlet, then do following configurations   Step 1:  Make sure bnd file has web context path (bnd.bnd) Bundle-Name:...

Zeno Rocha | 08 Nov 2017

2017 was a great year for the Liferay Community. Many things were accomplished and we know that there are still many things to be improved. We created a new website where you can discover and stay up to date with new projects. We launched a new chat where you can talk with 600 other community members. We started to revamp user groups all over the world. And with your help, we...

John Feeney | 15 Nov 2017

This blog entry is part of a three-part blog series that explores some of the great features provided by Liferay Screens and Liferay Mobile SDK. In this this series, I will cover: Liferay Screens – Use screenlets in your native Android or iOS app to leverage content and services available on your Liferay server Liferay Push Notifications – Push offers and notifications...

Gregory Amerson | 03 Nov 2017

We just released latest version of blade cli that includes all of the new npm frontend project templates. This also bumps the rest of the project templates to use latest versions of Liferay gradle and Liferay workspace plugins. To update simply do $ blade update or for those that haven't installed blade yet, follow the guide here: ...

Minhchau Dang | 03 Nov 2017

About one month ago, Liferay posted an announcement which talked about how to deploy the New Clustering Code for Liferay Portal Community. One of the first steps documented in this announcement was to clone the liferay-portal repository. As mentioned in a previous blog post, Liferay from Source, while this sounds like it shouldn't be a big deal, the large size of the...

Petteri Karttunen | 30 Oct 2017

(Previous parts of this series can be found here (part 1),  here (part 2) and here (part 3) As a random, Liferay custom search developer you might want to get support for Boolean operators and|or Lucene syntax back. Also, it would be nice to have more control of hits relevancy and about the logic, the queries are being built in the end. To get those, we are going a little...