Release Announcement: PortletMVC4Spring 5.3.2

Tested with version 5.3.18 of the Spring Framework

The following versions of PortletMVC4Spring were released on April 1, 2022 AD:

(NOT an April Fools joke, BTW -- the release actually occurred on that day)

Version Description  
5.3.2For use with Spring Framework 5.3.x (tested with 5.3.18)Release Notes

For download coordinates and archetype usage, see the project's document.

MVCS-67 is the only issue that affects this release. The upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.18 and Thymeleaf 3.0.13.RELEASE were necessary due to CVE-2022-22965 (a vulnerability in the Spring Framework).

Many thanks to all in our community for using PortletMVC4Spring.
