Liferay IntelliJ 1.9.2 Plugin Released

The new Liferay IntelliJ 1.9.2 plugin supports IntelliJ 2021.1. Head over to this page for downloading.


Release Highlights

  • enable docker suppport

  • restructure new liferay module wizards

  • improve validation on project name in new liferay module wizard

  • display gogo shell port in liferay server configuration

  • update embedded blade cli to latest 4.0.9 SNAPSHOT

  • support deploy projects to a docker server

  • improve build service action on a service-builder project

  • add OSGi component code completion for single properties(community contribution)




  • Creaing liferay module project

Users can create a new liferay module project through File > New > Module… or right clicking on the project > New > Module…

Users need to enter a valid name first and click the Next button to go to the next page, and then they can choose the project template.


  • About liferay docker support

Right click on the liferay workspace project and choose Liferay > InitDockerBundle. There will be a liferay docker server added automatically once finished downloading a docker image and creating a new docker container.


Clicking on the Run/Debug button to start the docker server.


To deploy a project to your docker server, right clicking on the project and choose Liferay > DockerDeploy


  • Other screenshots



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions, please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (INTELLIJ project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!
