Liferay IntelliJ 1.6.0 Plugin Released

Liferay IntelliJ 1.6.0 plugin has been made available. Head over to this page for downloading.

Release Highlights:

  • Remove requirement for index . source when creating a  modules ext project

  • Update xml schemas and portlet 3.0 specification

  • Add validation for project template in new liferay module wizard

  • Update taglib code completions for Liferay 7.1/7.2 ( community contribution)

  • Update embedded blade to 3.8.0

Some screenshots




Special Thanks

Thanks to Dominik Marks for the improvements.


If you run into any issues or have any suggestion, please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (INTELLIJ project), we are always around try to help you out. Good luck!