Gradle Plugin for manage properties files

Gradle Plugin for on Liferay 7.0+ liferay workspace

GitHub repositoty:


This gradle plugin let you manage your properties files on your liferay workspace (version 7.0 and 7.1).

Blade tool initializes this kind of workpace with one folder named configs. There are some folder into configs folder:

  • common
  • dev
  • local
  • prod
  • uat

It's very common that you need to keep different values for the same properties depends on your environment. This plugin try to help you to manage this settup: copying all properties files from one common folder to each environment folder and replacing all properties found in filters file to the correct value.

How to use

First you will need the plugin jar file. You could download latest version from (Maven Central Version coming soon) or download source code from this github and to compile it. If you download jar file you will need move this to correct path in your local repository (gradle coordenates are devtools.liferay:portal-properties:1.0.0). Else if you download source code and compile it you will need to execute install maven task to install jar file on correct path in your local repository.

After jar file is fetched you will need to set up your liferay workspace. You will need to create two newely folder. You can create these folder in path you want but we recommend created into common folder (in configs folder).

Now you will need to set up this plugin in your build.gradle file. You will need add these line to build.gradle file:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: "devtools.liferay", name: "portal-properties", version: "1.0.0"

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

apply plugin: "devtools-liferay-portal-properties"

buildproperties {
    descFolderPath = 'configs'
    originFolderPath = 'configs/common/origin'
    keysFolderPath = 'configs/common/keys'


In this example we're going to use configs/common/origin folder to keep original properties file with pattern, and configs/common/keys folder to keep different values for properties. In details:

  • Dependencies: Gradle coordenates of DevTools Liferay Portal Properties is devtools.liferay:portal-properties:1.0.0.
  • Repositories: you will need mavenLocal repository because you've moved plugin jar file to your maven local repository.
  • Apply plugin: DevTools Liferay Portal Properties plugin id is devtools-liferay-portal-properties.
  • BuildProperties: In this section we will put all configuration parameters. In 1.0.0 release we have:
    • descFolderPath: Path where properties file will be copied and properties will be replaced.
    • originFolderPath: Location of original properties file (with ${} filter params).
    • keysFolderPath: Location of filter properties file.
  • build.finaluzedBy: With this command we can execute this plugin on build stage and not only on buildproperties.

It's time to add your properties files.

In the example we've created 4 filter file on keysFolderPath folder (configs/common/keys):

  • The content of these files are very similar (

File name (without .properties extension) must be equals to environment folder on descFolderPath folder.

In the example we've created only one properties file on originFolderPath folder (configs/common/origin). But we'ld put more properties files and all of then would be copied and replaced. on configs/common/origin:


Now you are be able to generated your filtered by environment with buildproperties gradle task, or standar build gradle task.

gradle buildproperties
gradle build

This is a common log of process:

Build properties task...configs
destination folder path: configs
origin folder path: configs/common/origin
keys folder path: configs/common/keys
Parsing dev environment...
Copying C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\common\origin\ to C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\dev
WARNING: Property not found in file on dev folder (${test1})
WARNING: Property not found in file on dev folder (${test2})
Parsing local environment...
Copying C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\common\origin\ to C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\local
Parsing prod environment...
Copying C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\common\origin\ to C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\prod
WARNING: Property not found in file on prod folder (${test1})
Parsing uat environment...
Copying C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\common\origin\ to C:\dev\workspaces\devtools\liferay\portal-properties-test\liferay-workspace\configs\uat
WARNING: Property not found in file on uat folder (${test1})


Total time: 0.275 secs

You will see WARNING log when you have some properties on your original properties files and you haven't filter for these properties on your filter properties files.

You could review Liferay Test project in

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