Entries with tag upgrade .

David H Nebinger | 24 Apr 2024

Liferay is busy working on updating the Node version used by the Gradle plugins in the Gradle Workspace from Node 16.13.0 (or 16.15.1 depending upon where you look) to Node 20.12.2. I'm told that this update is only supposed to apply to new versions of Liferay greater than GA117 and U117 (which means the upcoming 2024.Q2 release and later). I'm also told that it only...

David H Nebinger | 12 Jan 2022

Introduction So recently I completed a database upgrade from Liferay EE 6.1 up to Liferay DXP 7.4. It was actually pretty straightforward and I didn't encounter any significant blockers. I did however learn some stuff along the way and I thought I'd share those details here so you will be able to do your next Liferay DB upgrade in the same way. Note that although I'm specifically including...