Entries with Blog Stream Featured .

Shannon Chang | 29 Jun 2015

This year, Liferay was proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Red Hat Summit in Boston. With over 210 sessions including ones from top executives and developers worldwide, we knew we’d be in for a treat. We witnessed a number of insightful keynotes and big announcements as well as key interactions taking place at our booth and many others.     In case you missed...

David H Nebinger | 15 Jul 2023

Let me say that again: Content Creation is Not a Development Activity! Pretty strong statement, but for for those considering Liferay as a platform it's really an important concept, one that lives in the core of Liferay. Note: This is really a different kind of blog post for me. I prefer to keep things technical and discuss practical solutions to ...

Olaf Kock | 26 Jun 2015

Are you new to Liferay? Found Liferay and want to know what it can do for you? Or are you with Liferay and still remember the time when you were new and unexperienced? Where did you come from and what was the biggest problem you faced? Can you ever learn enough? And how do you keep up with the current trends and new features? A platform as big as Liferay spans several...

Ken Dong | 24 Jun 2015

  On top of a great product, good leadership has always been a necessity in any successful organization throughout history. But what do people want in a leader? It simply boils down to the fact that they want to work for someone they can trust and follow. They want to be challenged to hone their current skills while developing new ones.  ...

Olaf Kock | 29 Jun 2015

Hofburg, Wien CC by-nd 2.0 by R. Halfpaap Servus nach Österreich. Kurzfristig verschlägt es mich wieder nach Wien und was ist schöner, als sich dort mit freundlichen Menschen zu treffen, die das gleiche Gesprächsthema haben. Am Mittwoch, 1. Juli, 18:30 Uhr ist es soweit. Anmeldung (damit ich weiß, ob wir einen Tisch oder Ballsaal benötigen) bitte per Kommentar hier, twitter...

Martin Yan | 17 Jun 2015

It might be the most universal and recognizable store in the world. Walk by street corners and chances are you’ll see a bright green sign with the red and orange “7” aglow, beckoning visitors to stop in for a quick slurpee or donut or lotto ticket. This is the local neighborhood convenience store known as 7-Eleven, a franchise which has now generated over $80 billion and grown to...

Zeno Rocha | 17 Jun 2015

Originally published on Medium At Liferay we have more than 600 employees spread in 18 different offices all over the world. Some of these people work with similar stuff but they may not interact with each other since they are working in different projects.  This is an interesting problem to solve. Many companies think that just by using an instant messaging tool...

Lauri Hiltunen | 29 Jun 2015

Sometimes you need to perform actions which relate directly to your Liferay portal and your site structure. In some cases getting the handle on the layout needed might be a bit tricky though. You might query it with certain parameters, maybe using expando attributes or something similar. One clever little trick we’ve done on some of our projects is using pointer portlets. In this...

Martin Yan | 03 Jun 2015

Our experiences with corporate brands and products are rapidly evolving with the influx of new technology. As consumers, we are looking for companies that can provide us more content pertaining to our shopping preferences. We want better and more timely offers, smaller barriers to purchase, and the ability to interact with companies across all devices. How can companies...

Ken Dong | 15 Sep 2015

When 6.2 was first released, there was a lot of buzz surrounding things like responsiveness out-of-the-box, application display templates, updated control panel, and the recycle bin. We heard good feedback about these features, and they have served as great added assets to improve the user experience. Of course we didn't stop there. By analyzing the trends of today while...

David H Nebinger | 03 Jun 2015

Introduction In my last blog post I had a little rant about the old version of Font Awesome included with Liferay 6.2 and how it would always be out of date because they seem to keep adding new glyphs every day. So I wondered if it was possible to use the current Font Awesome in a theme and started down a path to test it out. Font Awesome For those that don't know,...

David H Nebinger | 29 May 2015

Introduction So I'm not the best theme person around.  I'm less a UI guy and more of an implementation person.  Honestly I hate working on themes.  Maybe it's just me, but all of the styling work that you have to do in Liferay, well honestly I find it quite daunting. And when you throw in Bootstrap for responsiveness, SASS for "simplified" stylesheets,...

David H Nebinger | 05 Jun 2015

Introduction So this is a concept that comes up from time to time on the forums - How do I return a non-database complex object from my ServiceBuilder-generated service layer? The common answer is usually to bundle the class(es) defining the complex objects into a jar and deploy the jar to the global class loader.  This is a workable solution, but as with all global jars...

Martin Yan | 20 May 2015

At Liferay, we seek to empower people with the right resources to help them achieve what they could not achieve on their own. We know there are people who possess amazing vision, and some who just simply need a digital “megaphone” (if you will) to help share their story. That’s a big part of why Liferay exists. We enjoy giving people a platform to make an impact on their...

Miroslav Ligas | 22 May 2015

If you are a portlet developer you have many options how to develop the portlets. There are many framework that make your everyday struggle easier. In this blog post I would like to talk about one of these frameworks - Liferay MVCPortlet. Liferay MVCPortlet is quite useful tool for developing portlets. It is much simpler then frameworks like Spring MVC or JSF but sometime these...

Jorge Ferrer | 18 May 2015

Here at Liferay we don’t stop and we just took out of the oven the fifth Milestone of the upcoming Liferay 7 release. If the previous milestone marked the beginning of the Community Expedition program which had a great success, with this one we would like to encourage even more people to get involved and provide their ideas as we get closer to the beta cycle. Just follow the link...

Janne Hietala | 13 May 2015

We're proud to announce the release of Valamis 2.3 Enterprise Edition – an update for award winning Learning eXperience Solution. The new version introduces various improvements to Valamis core features. These range from design and performance improvements to introduce an entirely new feature – Lesson Studio - a groundbreaking online Tin Can API content authoring tool. Below...

Salman Khan | 13 May 2015

In reference to the blog. One among the large set of features that Liferay provides is its ability to support multiple languages. And we all know Liferay is the most flexible portal for customization out there. Liferay currently supports about 40 languages out of the box.  The full list of translated languages may be seen here: ...

Neil Griffin | 12 May 2015

Project News The Liferay Faces team is hard at work on several projects and I would like to bring you up-to-date with our progress. Support for Liferay Portal 7.0 In early May I attended the Liferay Core Developers Conference in Madrid. One of my main goals in attending the conference was to gain a more complete understanding of the requirements for supporting OSGi...

Olaf Kock | 12 May 2015

Update! Wir treffen uns am Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015, 18:30 Uhr in den Räumen der Inovex GmbH: Valentin-Linhof-Straße 2, 81829 München - Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung an Peter Dimitri von Inovex. Zur Planung des benötigten Platzes: frühzeitige Anmeldung via meetup erbeten! Community Meeting in München (Symbolbild) CC-by-2.0 by Jason Paris Aufgrund des Veranstaltungsortes...