Entries with Blog Stream News .

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014 Region: USA is the Federal Communication Commission's website for discussion on how to transform the FCC into a model of excellence in government. The FCC is beginning an overhaul of the way it interacts with citizens, including a complete and comprehensive redesign of and its online systems. The reform...

Juan Fernández | 10 Feb 2010

Liferay's objects are being encapsulated into assets (documents, web contents, blog entries are being encapsulated in the new asset concept) and it allows the portal objects to be treated in a consistent way. There are several portlets that are designed to work with this kind of objects and you may be interested in doing this with your custom objects. I have been working with the...

Juan Fernández | 10 Feb 2010

 Hi guys! For the last few weeks I've been working in a new WYSIWYG editor for Liferay 6. It's the new version of FCKEditor, called CKEditor.  Which are the improvements of the new version? The main improve is accessibility: it is WAI-AA and WCAG 1.0 compliant. It implements advanced screen readerssupport, it's fully keyboard navigable, it has natural TAB key usage with...

Kristoffer Onias | 10 Feb 2010

Introduction      I'm using my very first entry to explain NTLM integration with Liferay 5.2. While trying to figure this out, I noticed that there was a lack of public information on the actual process to do so with an "Out of the Box" configuration. Because I have literally no developing experience, my explination will be as simple as it can get. So I hope...

Juan Fernández | 09 Feb 2010

 Hi guys: this week I have been working in the Asset Importer, a portlet that reads a file (odt for the moment) and converts it into a web content so that you can publish your documents an your website.   We will use this to publish Liferay documentation in very soon   Developing this portlet I had...

James Min | 04 Feb 2010

Just a quick post on a couple of misunderstandings I've seen out in the field lately... Simply setting up Liferay Portal to be load balanced does *not* mean it is clustered.   First, let's be clear on what "load balancing" is. Load balancing is simply a technique to distribute workload across resources. It is but one component in a high-availability cluster. In Liferay's...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

South Australian Certificate of Education Region: Australia Version: Liferay Portal EE 5.2 The SACE Board of South Australia is an independent statutory authority established under the SACE Board of South Australia Act 1983, with responsibility for the accreditation, assessment, recognition and certification of learning in the South Australian Certificate...

Julio Camarero | 08 Feb 2010

Hi there! In liferay we have always been concerned about accessibility. Giving everyone the same opportunities despite of her visual, auditory, physical or cognitive disability is one of our main objectives and desires. When people asked us if Liferay was accessible, it was not an easy question to answer, because usually Liferay is just the framework to build amazing portals and...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

Tune Money Region: Malaysia Version: Liferay Portal EE 5.2 Tune Money is a company that provides financial services. Offering a wide selection of personalised services, Tune Money also protects their customers' interests through affordable protection plans and prepaid VISA cards.  

David Truong | 04 Feb 2010

So BChan should have never given me a server.  Since making my wedding site, I've been exploring different things about websites outside the scope of portlet development. This includes: Setting up a full web server (not just running startup.bat) Business (if you could call what I'm doing business) Requirements Advertising (adsense, etc.) SEO The...

Neil Griffin | 03 Feb 2010

  I'm pleased to announce the new JSF 2.0 Complete Reference book by Ed Burns and Chris Schalk, published by McGraw-Hill. During the planning stages, Ed asked me to be a contributing author and help bring the first edition of the book up-to-date with JSF 2.0, and also to write a JSF Portlet Appendix. As listed in the Table of Contents, Appendix A...

Paul Hinz | 03 Feb 2010

This week's webinar was a kickoff of the Liferay Webinar Series and a demand for changes in our industry to solve issues impacting our user community.    In that webinar, we pointed out several issues surrounding web/gadget/java/portlet development, tooling and the new demand for end user capabilities.  In the past, the original goals for portal technologies...

Juan Fernández | 02 Feb 2010

 Hi, guys!   It's already been a month since I started working in the Liferay team, in the spanish office and I wanted to write a presentation post.   When I was part of the community I sometimes missed knowing what was going on in the Liferay team: "What are they doing at this moment?", so I want my blog to be somehow that...

Bryan Cheung | 27 Jan 2010

Robert Schware from the Global Learning Portal recently shared with us about a study tour of three different educational organizations to see how the Madrid School System's portal software has made an impact on their educational community and what organizations can do to embrace more open source. Here's a quick summary:  "In partnership with USAID and AMIDEAST, the Global...

Shuyang Zhou | 22 Jan 2010

ThreadLocal is not the "Silver Bullet" for concurrent issues, actually it is not encouraged to be used in some concurrent best practice. But sometime, it is really needed or can significantly simplify your design. So we have to face it. Since it is very easy to be wrong used, we have to find a way to prevent it causing troubles. So today we are not talking about when and how to use...

David Truong | 21 Jan 2010

Hey guys, So I promised I would put up a link and so here it is: Here were a few things I learned... 1) Weddings are really expensive... I should create a donate to my wedding portlet and let anyone send money to my paypal =P 2) Props to you if you are good at photoshop.  The pictures took me a long time to do and they don't even look great. ...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

T-Mobile CZ Region: Czech Republic Version: Liferay Portal 5.1 Within the scope of its business activities to which it is authorised, T-Mobile Czech Republic establishes and operates a public mobile communication network on the GSM standard in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands and provides mobile telecommunications services pertaining to this network. The...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

Murcia Cerca Region: Spain Version: Liferay Portal 5.2 Murcia Cerca is a social portal for Murcia's expatriates around the world. It has different content and communities depending on the user profile (e.g. Jóvenes, Ayer & Hoy). Regional houses in different countries can publish their local news, events, photos, and more.  

David Truong | 24 Dec 2009

It's been awhile since I last posted a blog.  It's not like I had a bunch of avid readers; in fact I would be surprised if I even had one.  But nevertheless a lot has happened which has kept me away.  The most notable thing is that I got engaged and I am now in the process of getting married. Being the prideful web programmer that I am, I decided I had to build my own...

Shuyang Zhou | 22 Dec 2009

IO is very important in almost all types of applications, because IO operations can cause bottleneck very easily. In Java's world, there are two groups of IO classes, Traditional IO(TIO), New IO(NIO). And a coming enhancement for NIO, NIO2.The NIO(and NIO2) are targeted to improve performance for certain cases and provide better OS level IO integration, but they can not replace TIO!...