Entries with Blog Stream News .

Richard Sezov | 27 Dec 2010

The Liferay in Action MEAP update came out on Christmas Eve, so I wanted to make sure that I let everyone knew about it in case you, like me, have been offline for the past few days. So Merry Christmas from me, Liferay and Manning: you get a whopping big chapter which covers a lot of ground:    - Liferay's asset system, which undergirds a lot of other...

Shuyang Zhou | 22 Dec 2010

A lot of Liferay TagLibs use including JSP files to present their content. Is there any difference between TagLib used JSPs and the normal ones? Functionally, they are the same thing. But when we see them from performance view, there is a huge difference. Whenever we do a jsp include, there are two major performance related steps:   1) Jsp servlet looking up. ...

James Falkner | 21 Dec 2010

Happy Holidays from Liferay and our community!  Hope everyone has a safe and fun-filled holiday season.  Liferay had an exciting and fun-filled 2010.  Partner program expansion, new Liferay offices throughout the world, the Liferay 6 release, new documentation, developer tools, magic quadrants, symposiums, the Liferay LIVE program, community development, and tons of...

Sten Martinez | 16 Dec 2010

Often we need to display data in a legacy schema. The usual way of doing this in any other application is to set up a new datasource, optionally set up an ORM, and display the data yourself. However, in Liferay there is a way to simplify this step considerably by using Service Builder. "Service Builder?" you say, "I thought that was only for creating entities in the Liferay DB?" ...

James Falkner | 10 Dec 2010

Finally returned from Liferay's annual employee retreat!  It was a fun-filled week and it's great to put a face with all the names I interact with on a daily basis.  I hope to see many of our community members in the coming weeks and months as well at our various events.  If you have a chance to attend a Liferay event (Symposium, Roadshow, or any other event), I...

Brian Chan | 10 Dec 2010

We decided to relax a bit Wednesday night and headed out to a Lakers game. After all, we are in LA, and we love basketball here. We had some pretty good seats. Here's a pic of Kobe laying it up. Here's a pic of other Liferay peeps wearing our retreat shirt. We actually got on the jumbo cam 3 times! But nothing beats how the game ended. We were afraid it would be a...

Brian Chan | 09 Dec 2010

We flew almost the whole company out to Los Angeles for our annual retreat. It's been a great few weeks of brainstorming and fellowship. If you're a Liferay user, community member, or a client - and ever wondered how we work and have fun - there's no better way to communicate it than through this video.  

Barrie Selack | 08 Dec 2010

 Many people have asked, "How can I embed a portlet in web content". It's actually quite simple, once you know how. So I'll walk you through it. It;s done via a runtime-portlet tag. The actual syntax looks like this: <div id="embedded-welcome-portlet">   <runtime-portlet name="47" instance="4433" queryString=""/> </div> (47 is the Hello...

Olaf Kock | 06 Dec 2010

If you are living in a country where the ASCII character set is often almost sufficient but you need to ensure that you can handle UTF-8 well - how do you ensure that? You might not know a language that uses "funny" characters enough to recognize the content that you need to enter to test if it is handled correctly. Some time ago I've found a way to intuitively decide if text...

Bryan Cheung | 01 Dec 2010

Liferay had the chance to be a platinum sponsor at the Open Source Conference 2010, organized by Red Hat and Accenture. At almost 450 attendees, it was the Benelux region's largest-ever OSS focused conference. When I asked for a show of hands, most folks in the audience said they felt more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, so I'm assuming that we had a strong showing of...

Michael Young | 01 Dec 2010

Recently I needed to set up SSL in my development environment in order to debug an issue. I needed to make sure that  Tomcat could serve SSL content properly As an Http client, the JVM could accept a self-signed (untrusted) certificate. If you've ever come across a website that asked you if you want to accept an untrusted certificate, this is basically the same thing,...

Alexander Chow | 01 Dec 2010

In October, Apple released for OS X  their latest update of Java.  (There was this whole hoopla about whether or not Java would cease to exist on OS X, but then Apple announced that it would be releasing much of its source code to OpenJDK -- discussions around that are not the topic of this blog post.) One of the side-effects of that release was that Apple decided to...

James Falkner | 30 Nov 2010

Despite the US Holiday, we have lots of items in this week's roundup! Finalist and Proteon hosted the fist ever Dutch Liferay Community Event on November 23 and it was a huge success. Go check out the Wrap-up and pics! The Community Translation Team deserves continued credit and support. One of a great community is the transcendence across culture, language, and...

Bryan Cheung | 29 Nov 2010

 As some of you may know, Liferay decided earlier this year to make a strategic investment in growing the European market. To that end, Joseph Shum, our former Alliance Manager for North America, and myself have been traveling frequently to our offices in Frankfurt over the last six months.  Liferay's first Italy Symposium. The venue was an old church converted into a...

Olaf Kock | 28 Nov 2010

One of the first things I did with Liferay (years back) was the development of a custom theme. Support for this in the Plugins SDK works really smooth and theme development is well documented. One of the cool features of the themes-builder in Liferay's Plugins-SDK is the "theme.parent" option, determining what "parent" theme you want to build upon. The well known feature In...

Bavithra Rajendran | 26 Nov 2010

Desktop Gadgets are very popular and I wanted to write a simple Liferay gadget for windows 7 and at last came up with a desktop gadget that has frequently used links of Liferay.  I call this as Liferay Quick Launch.   You can download the Liferay Quick Launch from this link . Hope you all find this useful  

James Falkner | 24 Nov 2010

Open source projects and products suffer from a unique problem when it comes to managing bug reports.  The open nature of the community means you'll get many more excellent bugs filed as compared to a proprietary, closed-source product.  But you'll also get: More poor reports (compared to closed source, proprietary products).  Poor bug reports are ones that...

Igor Spasić | 24 Nov 2010

Remember: For JSP tags with dynamic-attributes, be careful to use proper case of defined attribute names; especially if scriptlets are used as attributes values. Look at following two usages of button tag of liferay-aui tag library: (A) <aui:button onclick="<%=target%>" value="some value" /> (B) <aui:button onClick="<%=target%>"...

James Falkner | 22 Nov 2010

Updates from around the Liferay community! Don't forget to take the CMS Market Survey.  It would be awesome if Liferay is well represented here.  Takes about 20 minutes and can be anonymous (but if you give your email address, you'll be emailed an advance copy of the report). Liferay IDE makes top 25 all time Eclipse plugins by download list! ...

James Falkner | 17 Nov 2010

"It's that time of year again. Digital agency Water & Stone is running its annual survey on the open source content management market. The data proceeds go to benefit the subsequent Open Source CMS Market Share reportThis year the survey has been condensed, in kind consideration of participants, but the list of products surveyed has grown to 31 open source CMS offerings — a mix of...