David H Nebinger | 11 Feb 2015

Liferay ships with a pretty old copy of Vaadin 6, but most documentation and examples out now are for Vaadin 7.  It's pretty easy to upgrade the shared Vaadin environment to Vaadin 7, as simple as installing the Vaadin 7 Control Panel from the Marketplace. When the Vaadin 7 Control Panel is installed, it will purge Vaadin 6 from the Liferay environment and copy an initial...

Marcus Hjortzén | 27 Jan 2015

Are you developing a large amount of plugins? Ever found yourself frustrated with having to manually deploy war-files to development, test and production (clustered?) environments?  When performing Quality Assurance on a release it is important that it is the same build / release that is eventually deployed to production. This might sound like an easy task but...

Krzysztof Gołębiowski | 25 Jan 2015

It is a common practice to embed Web Content Articles in a theme. Once Web Content's were embedded using Web Content Display portlet, nowadays we can use journalContentUtil which is already visible for theme developers: $journalContentUtil.getContent($groupId, $articleId, $viewMode, $locale, $theme_display) As usual, there are pros and cons of this approach: It...

Marcus Hjortzén | 21 Jan 2015

I previously wrote a blog entry regarding Liferay Sync and ways to authenticate the application even when using SSO (and not really having access to the SSO-password). Apparently there was interest in seeing the code and hopefully using it. I published it on Github under my employer's organization (Uppsala University).  The code is really written as a proof of concept,...

Olaf Kock | 20 Jan 2015

  A short Inbetweenisode on the release of 6.2 CE GA3 with repeat guest and Community Manager James Falkner. During Devcon James promised the release for the 15. January - while I stated that this release date was wishful thinking. Now we actually hit the promised release date for the first time known to both of us. Enough reason to get together and talk about the underlying...

Esther Sanz | 20 Jan 2015

  LA Unconference December 2014 December is always a very exciting time of the year when engineers gather in our LA office to discuss, work and have fun together. It is a time for reflection and to review what we have accomplished over the past year.   Like a big family whose members meet after a long time, we start with a big event which helps foster...

Olaf Kock | 20 Jan 2015

  Another Devcon conversation - make sure not to miss this event next year! I grabbed Chema Balsas, Software Engineer at Liferay Spain, and Emil Öberg, Consultant at Monator Technologies, a Liferay Partner Company in Sweden. This is a three-way conversation with Chema Balsas and Emil Öberg that we had during Liferay's Devcon 2014. Chema had a Theme-Workshop (sorry, no recording)...

James Falkner | 02 Mar 2015

I'm very happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA3! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [JBoss Bundle] [GlassFish Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Quick Start] [Detailed Install Instructions]. This release is particularly noteworthy. Why is that? Well, if you attended DevCon in Germany last year, you probably don't remember it, but I promised you...

Marcus Hjortzén | 27 Jan 2015

Why SSO? Using single sign on (SSO) is probably something that more and more systems aim towards. A large benefit is improved user experience, perhaps not so much for publically available sites. These sites generally attach to Facebook, Twitter or Google and await the crowds going 'aaaaw' in appreciation of the the techniques used.   No, instead,...

Kyle Joseph Stiemann | 17 Oct 2017

On the Liferay Faces Team, we try to reply to as many posts in the Liferay Faces forums as we can. This has been extremely beneficial for our team and our project. If you're a developer, I want to encourage you to get involved in similar ways in your community by listing some of the benefits the Liferay Faces team has recieved because of our involvment in our forums: Helping...

Martin Yan | 17 Mar 2015

Congratulations, you made it to the new year. You're still here, and with a bit of luck, so is your company. Or maybe not. But it's the new year, so at least you have some fresh resolve and a smoldering heap of innovative ideas. And we all know how dangerous new ideas can be, right?   Let's face it. The firestarters aren't the ones who are kicking...

Jose M. Navarro | 15 Jan 2015

Hi Liferay Screeners! After several months of hard work and few presentations to show you the first beta of Liferay Screens, we're ready to release this second beta. This version is full of fixes you reported and new features you requested after our presentations, in our forums or via email during the first phase of the beta program. If you don’t know what I’m talking...

Zeno Rocha | 17 Jun 2015

Originally published on Medium     One of the cool things about working at Liferay is that you have the freedom to propose any crazy idea that comes to your head and there’s a high chance that they might like it. You know, like stopping the company’s Engineering department to work on different projects for an entire...

Chandan Sharma | 10 Jan 2015

Liferay provides an API to call any methods using Reflection. First of all why do we use reflection API to call any method. In terms of liferay, liferay loads the classes from different scopes like application scope, portal scope, portlet scope etc. There are some classes which is in portal-impl.jar file and we can not use that classes directly in our application because this jar...

Daniel Tyger | 10 Jul 2017

Background and Need: Our campus portal (Site) administrators have a need to review permissions across their sites of various objects. In particular, we see requests for page, portlet, and Web Content permissions reports that we currently offer our site managers. They have also expressed desire for Document Library permission reports. We have over 1600 roles in Liferay and some...

Jamie Sammons | 05 Jan 2015

The Audience Targeting app enhances the engagement experience of your portal by providing the right information in the right context to your visitors in new and exciting ways. Audience Targeting for Liferay Portal 6.2 CE and EE is now available in the Liferay Marketplace. [Download for CE or EE | Documentation]  Audience Targeting easily allows for the creation...

Andrea Di Giorgi | 26 Dec 2014

Hi everyone and Merry, Merry Christmas to all of you!  In the last couple of months I had a lot of fun playing with Go, a very promising compiled, concurrent, garbage-collected, cross-platform language by Google. I thought it would have been nice to use my newly acquired skills to build something useful for the Liferay community, and so, after my Liferay SDK for Windows, I...

Jorge Ferrer | 24 Dec 2014

It’s the end of the year season and most programmers take a few days of to spend time with family and/or friends and of course check out some new technologies. While we know there are many exciting new techs to choose from, we wanted you to have at least one more option to choose from by making available a new and shiny milestone of Liferay 7. This is a great opportunity to see the...

Tim Telcik | 21 Apr 2018

Overview The article outlines configuration for tracing the Liferay SAML 2.0 Provider EE plugin (SAML plugin). The SAML plugin enables Liferay Portal 6.2 EE to act as a SAML Service Provider (SP) or Identity Provider (IdP). It is common to experience some bumps when initially configuring the SAML plugin for the role of SP or IdP. The following logging configuration may...

Olaf Kock | 19 Dec 2014

  The nerdiest topic so far: I'm speaking to Thomas Schweiger, german national barista champion 2010-2012. He was sponsored by our german partner Prodyna to prepare coffee during this years Devcon and Portal Solutions Forum Germany. We talked about What do you need to do to become Barista Champion? Can you describe upfront what your coffee will taste like when...