Janne Hietala | 26 Jan 2016

The traditional way of learning has started to go through some major reforms. This is happening in both education and in enterprises. Instead traditional course based learning where users are memorizing ready-given information, today more emphasis is put on finding, understanding and applying information in practice in real world scenarios. Phenomenon-based learning ...

James Falkner | 03 Apr 2015

I'm very happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6.3a! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [JBoss Bundle] [GlassFish Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Quick Start] [Detailed Install Instructions]. This release is particularly noteworthy as it represents a new direction for Liferay. Due to the cost involved in producing CE releases we've decided to make...

Fady Hakim | 01 Apr 2015

Hi All, I will show you the steps to install liferay 6.2-SP10 on JBoss EAP 6.2 1 - Download the below files:      - Jboss EAP 6.2 from here and unzip the folder, This directory is referred to as $JBOSS_HOME throughout this section      - Liferay 6.2-SP10 EE WAR file from here      - Liferay 6.2-SP10 EE...

Martin Yan | 26 Mar 2015

More than ever before, people are foregoing their desktops and accessing services primarily through their phones and tablets. A strong mobile strategy is now a must-have for businesses. But what approach should your company take? Are websites or apps the better strategy? What about native versus hybrid apps?   In our latest publication, we look to...

Annika Sinnecker | 25 Mar 2015

The following information is only relevant for German speaking members: Wer mehr darüber erfahren möchte, welche rechtlichen Aspekte bei Nutzung der Community und der Liferay Enterprise Edition zu beachten sind, kann sich noch rasch zum kostenfreien Webinar "Rechtliche Aspekte bei Nutzung von Liferay" morgen anmelden: Donnerstag, den 26. März 2015 Von 10:00 Uhr bis...

Jan Eerdekens | 30 Mar 2015

Last year I spent a lot of time looking into how AngularJS could be used in a portal environment, more specifically Liferay. That research culminated in a pretty technical and quite lengthy blog post: Angular Adventures in Liferay Land. The problem with a blog post that you invest such an amount of time in is that it always remains in the back of your head, especially if there were...

Shahbaz Khan | 19 Mar 2015

In this article, we will be discussing about how to become a good liferay developer. This article is mainly for the people who are willing to learn liferay technology and would like to know the route to achieve their aim. Don't think because I am writing this article, I am very good liferay developer, but this statement doesn't confirm that I am a bad liferay Developer too. ...

Olaf Kock | 19 Mar 2015

Liferay comes with so many features that it's hard to judge when a feature is a good solution for a given problem. I'd like to shine some light onto some of these features and common misconceptions about them because it's easy to abuse them for purposes for which they're not well suited - despite making the impression they might. CC BY-ND 2.0 by S. Benno Today I'm starting with...

Juan Fernández | 24 Mar 2015

Dear community: I'd like to make an important announcement today.   I've been presenting and demoing Liferay Cloud Services at Symposiums, events and customer visits for quite some time now, and most of those presentations had one thing in common: before I presented the product, people thought it was about a hosted or managed platform.  “No, no, no. These are...

Martin Yan | 17 Mar 2015

Has open source software now become the preferred choice for enterprises? According to a Black Duck Software report, over half of all enterprises will utilize or contribute to open source in some manner in 2015.   What was once considered on the fringes of technology circles, reserved for pockets of developers or small businesses, has now become a...

Olaf Kock | 18 Mar 2015

One message that I have to give out in trainings doesn't fail to stun the students: When you deploy multiple hooks that override the same JSP in Liferay, you will first get undefined behavior and later end up with a damaged installation. CC BY 2.0 by David GoehringWhen you are installing applications from Liferay's marketplace you don't even have control over the JSPs that these...

David Truong | 15 Mar 2015

Happy Pi Day everyone! You guys should take a look at this site which makes some cool art from the number π.   Also reminds me also that I have two raspberry pi's that need some attention.  Anyone got any suggestions for them? Today is also my ten year anniversary with Liferay!  Wow… I’ve spent a whole decade working for a company! This...

Marcos Castro | 27 Sep 2015

Welcome to my first post! As a theme developer in Liferay I start this blog with the goal of sharing all type of useful content. I want to speak about a little frequent problem with dockbar, sometimes the dockbar could disturb if our portal design collides with it. The first advice that I can give you is to show the dockbar only when the user really needs it, for...

Fady Hakim | 22 Apr 2015

  For anyone wasn't able to attend our webinar about audience targeting, you can check the recorded video here   The Audience Targeting app raises the engagement experience of your portal to a whole new level. This app allows you to segment your audience and create campaigns to target content to user segments. It also allows you to track user actions and...

Javier Gamarra | 17 Jun 2015

Update: Hey, we released version 1.0, check it out here!   Hi, community! I'm Javier Gamarra, a new senior Android developer working at Madrid's office! I am glad to announce that the Beta 3 of Liferay Screens is ready, bringing a lot of goodies to the iOS version and...finally, Android support! :) We know many of you were asking for an Android version...

Vicki Lea Tsang | 06 Mar 2015

Thanks to our community members, who identifed issues with installing Social Office 3.0 CE on the latest release of Liferay Portal CE, we have released an updated version of Social Office CE, which became available over Marketplace earlier today. Social Office 3.1 CE addresses the version mismatch and contains a variety of improvements (see release notes in the Recent Changes...

Ruud Kluivers | 05 Mar 2015

Als een softwareleverancier gratis aanvullende producten gaat leveren, dan moeten er bij de klant alarmbellen gaan rinkelen. Ergens wordt er dan iets te veel betaald. Ik merk met de regelmaat van de klok dat grote softwareaanbieders met een breed productenportfolio de klant in de val probeert te lokken. Het klinkt leuk: je krijgt immers ogenschijnlijk meer waar voor je geld. De...

James Falkner | 05 Mar 2015

My Documents View New Liferay Sync UI Liferay has released a beta of the new version of Liferay Sync, the popular document sharing add-on for Liferay. Download it from the Downloads page, read the official documentation, and see below for more details on this release! Downloads You can get Liferay Sync (server and clients)...

Shannon Chang | 03 Mar 2015

The single most frustrating part of meeting planning for me lately has been budgeting for bandwidth. Internet access has become a requirement for meetings, and it’s virtually impossible to plan a meeting for the tech crowd without factoring in WiFi -- and I don’t just mean coffee-shop-quality WiFi, but a RELIABLE connection.     Every hotel and convention...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

Een bedrijfswebsite mag niet enkel een digitaal uithangbord zijn. Het is bij uitstek een platform om te verbinden met partners, klanten en uiteraard potentiële klanten. Zo’n diverse doelgroep vereist echter een gepersonaliseerde aanpak en dat los je niet op met een paar extra menu-items. Doelgroep-targeting is een sterk opkomende techniek om websitebezoekers gepersonaliseerde content...