Mohammed Yasin | 14 Jan 2020

By default Liferay does not encrypt the password at client side  as with SSL already Data will be encrypted but some security audit demand for password to be encrypted before submission . So we will be seeing how to perform client side encryption of password  in liferay.  I will  encrypting  with RSA Algorithm which uses public and private key .Public...

Neil Griffin | 11 Dec 2019

Thin WAR Artifacts Sometimes WAR artifacts are quite thin, meaning they are less than 1MB in size and most of their dependencies are deployed as OSGi modules. In other words, these types of WAR artifacts have portlet-specific code in WEB-INF/classes but few (if any) embedded jars in WEB-INF/lib. Deployment of thin WARs can be quite fast -- typically only couple of seconds more...

Neil Griffin | 07 Dec 2019

The following versions of PortletMVC4Spring were released on December 7, 2019 AD: Version Description   5.2.0 For use with Spring Framework 5.2.x (tested with 5.2.2.RELEASE) Release Notes 5.1.1 For use with Spring Framework 5.1.x (tested with 5.1.4.RELEASE) Release Notes ...

Álvaro Saugar | 02 Dec 2019

//La versión en español del artículo se puede encontrar en: Otro año de LUGSpain It may seem difficult to believe, but another year has gone by. As usual, the Liferay team booked a session during the first day of the Liferay Symposium in Spain for the community event to integrate the presentation of Liferay improvements and projects with the community's proposals in one place. ...

Álvaro Saugar | 02 Dec 2019

//The english version of this article can be found here:  Year summary of LUGSpain Parece mentira pero ya ha pasado otro año más. Como suele ser costumbre, el equipo de Liferay reserva la tarde del primer día del Symposium para el evento de la comunidad, y así integrar la presentación de mejoras y proyectos con las propuestas de la comunidad en un mismo lugar. Este...

Jamie Sammons | 19 Nov 2019

Docker Official images can be found on Dockerhub and can be used for deployments on any system that is running Docker. For more information on configuration options for the image see the overview page. To get started with docker run the following: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:7.2.1-ga2 Download You can find the 7.2 release on the download page.  If you...

Javier Gamarra | 18 Nov 2019

Liferay 7.2 GA2 brings us many awesome new features but I'm particularly proud of one: GraphQL support. Starting today you can build dynamic JS applications with your preferred framework (which is the one trending today?) and leverage the powerful GraphQL queries to fill the entire screen with one request. In 7.2 we introduced the new breed of Headless APIs to help you serve...

Olaf Kock | 14 Nov 2019

   I've taken the opportunity to meet David Nebinger, the most prolific forum poster and blogger for Liferay. And as we both are often stumbling about similar questions - in the community as well as on our job - we've been talking about exactly those ever repeating questions. Here are some of the topics that we talked about: David's history with Liferay,...

Takeo Yasuyuki | 13 Nov 2019

Damascus is a CRUD scaffolding tool for Liferay. Damascus generates services and web interfaces for both user and admin (PanelApp) with CRUD functionalities. The new features included in the 1.1.1 release are as following: Liferay 7.2 template 7.0, 7.1 templates miner fixes Template Generation tool  The...

Yanan Yuan | 17 Oct 2019

Hello guys, the new installers which contian serveral bug fixes are ready.   Download  Customer downloads: For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page. Community downloads:   Key Points: Installers...

Yanan Yuan | 15 Oct 2019

Liferay IntelliJ 1.6.0 plugin has been made available. Head over to this page for downloading. Release Highlights: Remove requirement for index . source when creating a  modules ext project Update xml schemas and portlet 3.0 specification Add validation for project template in ...

Olaf Kock | 10 Oct 2019

Have you ever wondered what the options are, and where they are documented, when you look at the gazillion of configuration options in Liferay's Control Panel? Were you worried that a new team member would have a hard time exploring, or making sense of, all of the features that are readily available in Liferay (7.2 CE and DXP)? Well, worry no more: Yours Truly published a new...

Yanan Yuan | 08 Oct 2019

The new release of Liferay Project SDK and Studio Installers 3.7.0 ga1 has been made available. This new package support for eclipse Photon or greater.   Download:  Customer downloads: For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page. Community downloads: ...

Konstantinos Karavitis | 09 Oct 2019

For everyone who is looking for working examples of portlets on liferay 7.2 which leverage the power of Angular 8 and Spring boot, I have started a new project on github. For now there is only one basic CRUD example which demonstrates the Spring boot 2 / Angular 8 / liferay integration.

Chris Mount | 04 Oct 2019

In the first part we basically set everything up. We created a Gatsby site and a few web content articles in Liferay. In this part we will create the Gatsby source plugin for Liferay and use the headless API to pull in our articles. Upfront, a lot of the steps I outline below for creating the plugin I got from the Gatsby site. Therefore, I will leave out some explanations...

Chris Mount | 04 Oct 2019

A few weeks ago, I had a need for a simple static site to host some documentation for internal customers at my work.  What I needed for the site was basically a Home page and a series of documentation pages very similar to what Liferay uses for Clay UI. I thought about using Liferay and the Knowledge Base to achieve this, but for a few reasons I did not have an existing instance...

Jonatan Cloutier | 01 Oct 2019

Liferay gives us the possibility to add Oauth (OpenId connect) authentication out of the box. It’s also possible to give access to third-party applications via Oauth authentication. But what if you don’t want your user to log in to your portal with Oauth but still give them the possibility to enhance their experience by connecting your portal to some third party service authenticated...

Jonatan Cloutier | 24 Sep 2019

Office 365 is becoming the attention centre of many companies those days. Integration of Office 365 in their portal become needed to add features like registering to an event in your Calendar, creating a contact directory from Azure AD or showing a message from a specific Teams. The Microsoft documentation explains well how to use the Microsoft Graph API with many technologies, but...

David H Nebinger | 13 Sep 2019

Recently when I was working on my custom Headless API blog series, I ran into a bit of trouble with my Service Builder-based persistence tier. My SB code was done and working, and I was adding methods to my CLI tool to test all of the Headless methods. I had the list working, I could add, update and patch Vitamins, and I just finished the delete method testing and I was on cloud...

David H Nebinger | 13 Sep 2019

Introduction I've recently started working on a React SPA to take advantage of the Liferay Headless APIs. I was working through all of my implementation details and was finally ready to start making API calls, but I needed to figure out how to handle authenticated requests. I reached the following point in the documentation,...