Rich Sezov | 28 May 2008

Just wanted to let you know that the Quickstart Guide (upon which the below video is based) is now available! You can grab it at the Community landing page: It's a lot easier to follow the doc than the video. :-)

Alvaro Del Castillo | 26 May 2008

In the process of migrating the Document Publisher portlet from LRP 4.4.2 to 5.0.1 one of the problems I have found is that in LRP 5.0.1 the URLs for actions and renders in some cases, like URLs generated from Javascript, are escaped so they won't work anymore because the params could not be parsed correctly from the URL. To solve it you need to add to the "portletl.xml" file: ...

Alvaro Del Castillo | 24 May 2008

I am working right now in creating a new portlet por publishing documents (DocBook, XML Framemaker, Javadoc) so you can view them inside a Liferay portlet add comments the document section, access the document trough a tree index and other features. In order to implement it we have decided to start from the Document Library (DL) portlet and add new operations over the folder and files...

Nate Cavanaugh | 23 May 2008

I just wanted to drop a couple of notes about the auto-save that I didn't mention before.... 1. I didn't do the bulk of the workThat honor goes to Jonathan Neal. Bchan did a lot and I made a couple of javascript changes and tweaks, but the work load credit goes to Jon for actually laying the foundation and getting it done. Go hit up his wall and tell him great job :) 2. There was...

Jorge Ferrer | 23 May 2008

Until now when the user was in any place of the portal  clicked the "Sign in" link he was shown a default portal login page. Of course it was already possible to create your own customized login page using the available portlets, but the user was not redirected there when clicking the "Sign in" button. After this improvement it is possible to let the portal know that a given...

Alberto Montero | 22 May 2008

Hi everyone. Yes, now you can develop portlets using groovy, and thanks to the last changes made by Brian is quite simple. Let's take a look at sample-groovy-portlet (check it out from the plugins svn). The file structure is like this: All the impotant files are under docroot/WEB-INF. There you can see usual files, including portlet.xml, which looks like this ...

Nate Cavanaugh | 20 May 2008

This is a feature I know many of us have been desperately wanting for quite a while. In fact, it's something that many of us miss from other blogging apps, and we now have it. So, to kind of show off what we have, I'll include screenshots from this very blogging session. Notice the time? Every ten seconds, we automatically save your draft until you click publish. This means...

Ray Augé | 16 May 2008

Portals are all about personalization, and Liferay is no different. I mean, there are many, many other things involved in portals other than personalization. But none of them really make sense without it. Personalization is the dressing that makes your portal salad bearable. So, it has to be pretty good dressing. Beyond the portal and personalization, we have the...

Bryan Cheung | 16 May 2008

I picked up a copy of the International Herald Tribune while boarding my flight for Rome where I'm helping a client launch their new social computing platform this month. I had heard about the devastation in Myanmar that happened now over two weeks ago, but it wasn't until Wednesday morning of this week that what happened really hit me. A photo on the front page of the Tribune showed...

Ray Augé | 14 May 2008

Many people ask how to achieve file downloads from a portlet project. I'm going to try putting this mystery to rest by first explaining the limitations and then showing some old and new ways of overcoming them in Liferay. To be clear on terminology we'll call anything, other than the usual presentation content, that we want to deliver to the user a resource. Examples of...

Bryan Cheung | 13 May 2008

Liferay enjoyed a great JavaOne this year, our third corporate appearance at the ground zero of the Java development world.  The emphasis this year was on openness, community, and the individual, reflecting the transformation our industry and culture have gone through over the last decade. In IT, that's been reflected in a shift from proprietary solutions controlled by the few to...

Ray Augé | 12 May 2008

If you are or you have tried installing a Liferay on a cluster of Ubuntu machines and are/were having problems with the ehCache, do this check:]$ ping `hostname`If it responds using an address on the loopback device, there's your problem.By default, Ubuntu defines the machine's hostname on the loopback address (, and since ehCache...

Brian Chan | 08 May 2008

Here we are relaxing at Chevy's after a long long day at JavaOne. The guys wearing blue jerseys are from Liferay and the rest are from the Sun team. It was a great time of enjoying good food, brainstorming ideas, and learning from each other.

Brian Chan | 07 May 2008

If you've been following what we're been doing here at Liferay, you'll notice a lot of collaboration with Sun this past year. So now it's time that we make this public. But before I get to that, I want to thank the Liferay community. And if you're reading this, that means you. What am I thankful for? Well. It's simple. We're not alone. Even though Liferay, Inc. has grown as an...

Gavin Wan | 07 May 2008

似乎总能听到liferay性能的抱怨, 在一个开源软件中这其实不难理解,就想一台公用的电脑,有人用oracle就在上面装个oracle,有人用DB2就又装了一个DB2…… 这些服务都启动自然就会慢。我们要做的就是停掉一些用不到的功能和方便开发人员debug的一些选项。 启动速度相关参数:在不需要自动创建数据库结构的时候可以停掉此项: #  # Set this to true to automatically create tables and populate with default  # data if the database is empty.  # ...

Alberto Montero | 06 May 2008

Currently, the WebForm portlet it quite simple. But it was designed to be as simple as possible. Now we have chances to improve it a bit. After the development of the expandos (thanks Ray) the task of storing data with a variable model in a database is much more simple (incredible simple, I must say). You just need to create a table and iterate over the specified fields to add...

Brian Chan | 06 May 2008

Wouldn't it be nice to deploy a portlet to Liferay and have it work as an application in Facebook? Check out our message boards at Go to the bottom and click "Add to Facebook". We've configured our public message boards to write its output as FBML when consumed by Facebook. Check it out. Every portlet in Liferay is...

Jorge Ferrer | 05 May 2008

This is a new feature I've been wanting to blog about for a while. It was inspired by a request from a customer who wanted to be able to store the different configurations of web forms and be able to later reuse them. For example, at some point there could be a form for "Contact Us", another for "Request for detailed information", another for "Inscription for event X", etc. Not all of...

Brian Kim | 01 May 2008

After seeing all the blog activity on as of late, I was looking for something to really reach out and inspire me to write an entry as well. Well, today a fellow froworker (friend and coworker) emailed me the following link to a MySQL blog: Within the blog entry, a...

Samuel Kong | 01 May 2008

I was introduced to WebDAV the other day, and I thought it would be great to use my first blog post to tell other people about it also.What is WebDAV?Think of it as a way to upload, download, and edit files located in your document library and image gallery from the convenience of your desktop.How to get started.For this tutorial, I'll be using Liferay 5.0.1 on Windows XP. There are...