Ray Augé | 11 Oct 2012

  I had planned to speak at this years North American Symposium about our ongoing work with OSGi. However, sadly due to several different factors that didn't happen. It's too bad because as it turns out at least two dozen people asked me: What happened to the OSGi plans? Was it dead? When would it come? Was there a talk on it disguised as...

Ray Augé | 11 Oct 2012

At this year's Liferay North American Symposium I did a talk on Big Data. The goal of the talk was to illustrate some cases where Liferay and the broad notion of "Big Data" intersect. Most importantly I showed an example which stored Documents & Media portlet files in Hadoop's extremely scallable and fault tolerant Dynamic File System (a.k.a. HDFS). The same example...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

Sometimes lightning strikes.  Sometimes lightning strikes twice.  And sometimes lighting strikes a bunch of times while you're already busy with the Liferay North America Symposium and a pending website upgrade and a bunch of Liferay Marketplace updates and other ongoing, daily website tasks. A few weeks ago our team got a JIRA ticket, requesting us to make the already...

Ray Augé | 10 Oct 2012

I'm almost back home from San Francisco after yesterday's completion of Liferay's 2012 North American Symposium. I'm quite exhausted but what a great event to be a part of. For this small town Canadian boy, travelling to historic big cities to meet with old friends I rarely get to see face to face is an experience I will never take for granted. Every turn through the crowd there seemed...

Olaf Kock | 08 Oct 2012

If you are attending this year's european symposium, make sure to be one night early. As last year, we'll have a community meetup the night before. As we have a new venue this year, the meetup will be in Coyote, Wiesbaden (see Map below) on Monday, 15. October 2012, probably 19:00, but check back here, we still need to fix this). This will be a free event. In order to plan at...

Richard Sezov | 05 Oct 2012

Since we haven't been announcing it much, you're probably unaware that we've recently started making weekly updates to the Liferay documentation. This is one of the reasons we haven't published the PDF or the book yet, though now we're getting much closer to doing just that. But I want to use this space to point out what's been updated recently, so you can see all the great new...

Cody Hoag | 04 Oct 2012

It's finally here! OpenSocial gadgets is the next great topic now residing in Liferay's Development Guide. Gadgets are similar to portlets because they can be added to your portal's pages and used for all kinds of tasks. Also known as social applications, gadgets share data within well defined networks, facilitating communication of information between groups of users. Furthermore,...

Jeffrey Handa | 04 Oct 2012

  By now, everyone in the Liferay community has probably heard about Liferay Marketplace and hopefully many of you are getting excited about developing and deploying your own apps to the Marketplace.     At this point, the Liferay Marketplace is open for downloading apps developed by Liferay, but hasn't been opened up for app...

Ronald Sarayudej | 18 Apr 2014

Hi. Well, guess who else uses Liferay?  Liferay!  Duh! Well, not totally "duh".  It may be obvious that we use Liferay... but how do we use it?  How does our business operate with Liferay products, day to day?  What's the good?  What's the difficult?  Do we deploy out of box?  Do we inspect with (fire)fox?  Do we collaborate from a...

James Falkner | 26 Sep 2012

If you are attending this year's Liferay North America Symposium in two weeks in San Francisco, on Sunday evening (the evening before the event begins) Liferay is hosting a community meetup. This will be a free event, starting around 8pm, at Irish Times [Map and Directions]. This is very close to the symposium venue, about a 3 minute walk.  Come meet your fellow community...

Manuel de la Peña | 25 Sep 2012

Transcribo en esta entrada de blog unos pensamientos de hace unos días, espero que alguien pueda aprovechar algo de ella: "Bueno, aquí estoy otra vez al teclado, deseando que el sentido de estas líneas sea 100% real. Y escribo mientras espero la última nota de la última asignatura de mi expediente universitario en la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión. Hace...

James Falkner | 25 Sep 2012

Hey all!  As your community manager, I am always trying to learn from you as much as possible, in order to make our community a better place to share ideas, meet new people, and generally grow the world of Liferay.  However, for such a large and active community, I alone cannot ever hope to conquer this task, so your Community Leadership Team has been exploring ways to...

Cody Hoag | 17 Sep 2012

The Knowledge Management team is pleased to bring an extensive guide for one of Liferay Developer Studio's newest features: Kaleo Designer for Java. The Kaleo Designer for Java facilitates back-end Java development and scripting to incorporate in your workflows. This feature adds another dimension to working with your Kaleo workflows making it easy for Java developers to enhance...

Julio Camarero | 14 Sep 2012

Did you know it is possible to create a plugin to extend an existing plugin?   This is a great feature of Liferay plugins that I usually tend to forget but it has been available since 4.3. If you find a plugin that you like but you would like to modify something, you can create another plugin which extends the original one keeping your changes isolated from the original...

Jeffrey Handa | 17 Sep 2012

Hello Belgian community members.   I'll be in Brussels and would like to get together with any interested members of the Liferay community on Tuesday, September 18th.  We'll meet at the Brussels Grill near Place Rogier (21 avenue du Boulevard 1210 Bruxelles) at 21:00.  Please comment here at the blog post if you'd like to come or contact me on...

Julio Camarero | 12 Sep 2012

I have started playing with device detection when coding Liferay apps and I have found very useful the Device API in Liferay 6.1.    This API allows you to detect the capabilities of the device which is accessing the portal (the size, operating system, if it has touch screen, camera, compass... etc) and then you make your apps behave different depending on the...

Carolina Moreno | 13 Sep 2012

Si te mueves en el mundo de la tecnología y de internet, la respuesta a estas preguntas es “sí”, con mucho mayor motivo que en anteriores ediciones del evento. Es el encuentro más importante de Liferay en nuestro país y uno de los más notorios a nivel mundial gracias a la presencia un buen número de los principales desarrolladores de nuestros productos (24 y 25 de Octubre, Madrid....

Alfredo Del Castillo Villalba | 05 Sep 2012

¡Buenos días a todos! Mi primera entrada en los blog de Liferay va dedicada a hablar de sendas novedades disponibles ya para el uso de todos los usuarios de Liferay. En primer lugar, hablare de la release de la versión de Liferay Developer Studio 1.6.0. Por último, pero no menos importante, Liferay Marketplace, la nueva tienda de aplicaciones que conectará a desarrolladores de...

Gregory Amerson | 05 Sep 2012

Today we are pleased to announce the latest release of Liferay Developer Studio version 1.6.0.  Here on my blog I usually just cover Liferay IDE releases, so just to bring everyone up to speed, Liferay Developer Studio is our own branded Eclipse-based product that is built on top of Liferay IDE along with some additional enterprise features (e.g. WebSphere server adapter)....

Neil Griffin | 31 Aug 2012

The new location for downloading Liferay Faces artifacts (JARs, WARs, etc.) is Maven Central. As part of the migration of Liferay Faces from to, the Nexus repository is being phased-out. Now that the artifacts are in Maven Central, developer should remove the following repository from project pom.xml files: ...