Adam Victor Brandizzi | 06 Aug 2013

I'm working in an awesome component to be shipped from Liferay 6.2 onwards. Some of the features needed to implement it are rather reusable so they were implemented in the Liferay Porta itself. One of them is the new ability of the <liferay-ui:input-localized> tag of inserting a WYSIWYG editor in the page instead of an one-line input or a textarea. How to use it To use...

Neil Griffin | 02 Aug 2013

I was recently installed a ".vmdk" image into VMware Fusion on a MacBook Pro with multiple processor cores. The operating system in the image was Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3. After I installed the image, I assigned 4 processors to the VM using VMWare Settings. But after I started the VM, I noticed that the XP Task Manager was showing only 1 processor. I did...

Jorge Ferrer | 14 Nov 2013

Hey guys, The 6.2 release is getting closer and closer, so after quite a few months without writing a blog entry I'd like to get back starting a new series I'm calling "New in 6.2". In this blog series I plan to blog about new features in the upcoming release and will try to explain our motivations, the challenges we faced and the reasons for the decisions we made. All in the Open...

Manuel de la Peña | 01 Aug 2013

  In this blog post I want to talk about developers mentality, about how they (we) create software that never fails, and brights more than the sun, and is faster than a jet plane... or not?   No, seriously, developers are more selfish about our code than other careers, and we usually don't like others...

Tim Telcik | 05 Nov 2017

Overview Liferay Portal 6 supports six plugin types for customizing and extending the base product : Portlets Hooks Themes Layouts EXT Web For many extension cases, portlets, hooks, themes and layouts are sufficient to help you customize Liferay Portal. However, occassionally you will need to extend or replace one or more pieces of...

Tim Telcik | 05 Nov 2017

Overview This article outlines the steps for configuring Apache HTTPD and Liferay Portal with SSL. This article should be used in conjunction with the following articles: David H Nebinger Blog - Liferay and SSL HTTP Wiki - Rewrite HTTP To HTTPS Configuration Liferay Portal Properties Add/update file "LIFERAY_HOME/" with the...

Tim Telcik | 21 Apr 2018

Overview Configuring Liferay Portal to use Google Mail is relatively easy. The key is to enable SSL socket connections. The following article provides steps to enable Liferay Portal to send email via Google Mail. To assist with tracing mail issue, please refer to related article How to trace mail in Liferay Portal. Test Environments The following mail...

Máté Thurzó | 26 Jul 2013

Staging is one of the unique fetaures of the Liferay portal, serving customers to be able to handle their content across the portal. The feature has been around for a while, and was always a subject of improvement. In the upcoming release though staging will receive a major overhaul, based on users' feedbacks, own experiences.   ...

Olaf Kock | 25 Jul 2013

 This week's guest is Neil Griffin, Liferay's resident JSF Wizard, Lead Engineer for Liferay Faces and representative for Liferay on the Portlet-Spec 3.0 group (JSR 362). Here are our topics: Liferay Faces started with, a cooperative work by Triton and Mimacom. Neil started at Triton, then came to Liferay and Triton and Mimacom donated the code. ...

Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi | 06 Aug 2013

Since AlloyUI became a base component for Liferay, various amazing tools became available for the Liferay developer. One of these are the JavaScript components such as Liferay.Store. This component allows the developer to store user-related data quickly on the server. To see how it works, let's consider a portlet which stores how the user prefers her coffee: black, sweet or with...

Tim Telcik | 05 Nov 2017

Overview Firefox can be quite obstinate when it comes to clearing favourite (aka. shortcut) web site icons from it's cache. This short article wil outline the steps for clearing favourite icons in Firefox, based on the original article Clearing All Favicons From Firefox 3 Cache by Rich Menga. Steps 1/ Install Firefox add-on SQLite Manager 2/ Select Firefox...

Ryan Schuhler | 26 Jul 2014

Recently I found myself searching through the internet for how to best add social share buttons to a website. The documentation that exists is helpful, however I decided it might still be useful to share some of my findings. I discovered, as many of you probably know, that there are mainly two ways to create a social button. The first way is by using a script that the respective...

Manuel de la Peña | 19 Jul 2013

I love that picture! Imagine yourself any Friday, at the end of your day-work. You look at the CI server and, unluckily, it is broken. You have only three options: Resign yourself that you will be leaving late, because you'll try to fix it. Revert you changes and retry next week. Leave now and leave the build broken. Of course, the best choices are...

Olaf Kock | 18 Jul 2013

You might have heard about this year's change in the european symposium: We'll replace the single symposium with a  Liferay Portal Solutions Forum, a rather business-oriented program as well as a Developer Conference with a lot of deeply technical content. At the Developer Conference, we will make a lot of room for community-provided activity. In fact, this year we're opening...

priti parmar | 16 Jul 2013

Liferay provide facet search with great features ,we can add new entries in search using configuration of portlet  to achive this follow the below steps, Step 1 : create a hook override init.jsp in hook add organization model entry   if (displayAssetTypeFacet) { sb.append("{className:...

Olaf Kock | 15 Jul 2013

 It's my return guest show time - here's another one. However, you've unfortunately never heard my first recording with Juan Gonzalez, back when we did it. This was due to a glitch that I'm really sorry for. Juan holds the Community Contributor Award 2012 and has since joined the spanish office of Liferay, working mainly in support and in the Liferay Faces team. As we missed...

Tim Telcik | 05 Nov 2017

Overview The article outlines the steps to change the default Liferay Portal web context from "/" to "/portal" ? Steps Step 1 - Over-ride property "portal.ctx" Over-ride the property "portal.ctx" in file "LIFERAY_HOME/". Add (or over-ride) the following property : portal.ctx=/portal Step 2 - Deploy (or redeploy) the Liferay portal web...

priti parmar | 12 Jul 2013

Step 1 : create document library URL in your jsp     <% long dlScopeGroupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId();           LiferayPortletURL documentLibURL = PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(request,                    ...

priti parmar | 10 Jul 2013

Step1 : Add following reference and column to your service.xml (service in which you would like add workflow),out of these some of fields must be there which will help in mapping between workflow tables and your custom table. <column name="resourcePrimKey" type="long"></column> <column name="title" type="String"></column> <column name="status"...

Olaf Kock | 10 Jul 2013

When you're arranging portlets on your pages, have you ever wondered, where you'll be able to drop them? Especially when you use a more complex layout, like the 1-2-1-columns and don't have a lot of content on the page, it's sometimes not obvious what your options are. The good news is that Liferay comes well prepared for your intent - for some reason it just doesn't make full...