James Falkner | 06 Apr 2015

This blog is part of a series of entries documenting how we are using iBeacons and Liferay to better engage our audiences at events throughout the year. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Update: Check out my new eBook! Finding Your Way Around iBeacons for Event Marketing. Download the eBook In Part 1 I introduced the concept of using iBeacons for Audience Engagement and reviewed...

Matti Tahvonen | 26 Jun 2014

As you probably know Liferay comes packaged with Vaadin and many portal developers are using Vaadin as their UI library for building rich web applications. Vaadin has been a good choice for those that want something more than just JSF with a little JavaScript sprinkled on the top but at the same time the current Portlet specification wasn't really made for full-RIA such as the ones...

Meera Prince | 11 Aug 2014

Introduction:   Liferay have very good content management system we can design and publish content in the web page very easy.   Along with that it’s also have structures and templates feature so that we can design common designs as structures and templates then we can reuse it many places with different data. ...

mohammad azaruddin | 26 Jun 2014

 JRebel has changed the way developers code in Java. Never again will you need to redeploy your application to see the impact of code updates. Make changes and JRebel applies them instantly to your running application.     Step 1: Download Jrebel from eclipse marketplace..            ...

James Falkner | 06 Apr 2015

This blog is part of a series of entries documenting how we are using iBeacons and Liferay to better engage our audiences at events throughout the year. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Update: Check out my new eBook! Finding Your Way Around iBeacons for Event Marketing. Download the eBook Earlier this year my colleague Ruud Kluivers introduced me to a new technology called...

Eudaldo Alonso | 24 Jun 2014

Hi everybody! I want to announce this new functionality. Right now, you'll be able to define the web content types (structures) that can be added inside a web content folder. For example, you can restrict the folder "Sport" to only allow Web Content of type Sport or if you want you can inherit the restrictions of the parent folder: Also, if you have deployed a...

Janne Hietala | 23 Jun 2014

We've just released Valamis 2.0, which is an total overhaul of Valamis UI into fully responsive design. At the same time we've moved entire Valamis back-end, which was built to support SCORM standard for eLearning, to support xAPI or Experience API (formerly known as Tin Can API). These are big changes, but same time it allows us to look past the limitations of SCORM and Learning...

Zeno Rocha | 17 Jun 2014

Couple months ago Cleydyr and I were invited to be part of Liferay's EVP (Employee Volunteer Program) committee in Latin America. We couldn't say no to this amazing program and we're now very happy to announce our first initiative. It all started on a regular Monday (05/26) at 10:30am when Cleydyr showed me the website of the Farol52...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

Nu het onderzoek van de ICT-commissie van de overheid is afgerond, wachten we op het rapport. Als burger en belastingbetaler kijk ik daar met veel belangstelling naar uit. Tijdens de hoorzittingen was veel kritiek te horen over het functioneren van de overheid op IT-gebied. Het kabinet wil nu een nationaal commissaris digitale overheid aanstellen om meer grip te krijgen op de...

Ruud Kluivers | 13 Jun 2014

Sinds de opkomst van de smartphone zijn er allerlei technieken bedacht om de echte met de virtuele wereld te verbinden. Denk aan QR-codes, NFC-chips en natuurlijk bluetooth. De nieuwe iBeacon-technologie van Apple is weliswaar een uitbreiding op bluetooth, maar wel een die een grote kans maakt om de harten van consumenten en bedrijven te veroveren. Reden temeer om de mogelijkheden...

Manuel de la Peña | 10 Apr 2015

Hello my lovely Liferay developers!   I'm very proud and glad to announce that, from now on, we are going to be able to write integration test in our Liferay plugins!   * Before breaking this down, I want to thank all people that collaborated as a strong team to achieve this: Carlos Sierra,  Cristina...

Eduardo P. Garcia | 12 Jun 2014

Application Display Templates have become one of the most popular features in Liferay Portal 6.2. Last year we reviewed how to use this powerful tool to customize some Liferay portlets. Furthermore we explained how developers can apply the same feature to their custom portlets in just a few steps. The Liferay Community provides a great feedback about how you use Application...

Justin Choi | 11 Jun 2014

Liferay has grown from a handful of employees to a mid size corporation. When I first started Liferay in January, 2011, everyone did a little of bit of everything. In 2014, there are now teams and sub-teams. What's one thread that holds us all together? Something more basic than food, air, and rest? The answer: the need to read instructions. What I have noticed is that those in...

Sushil Patidar | 28 Jun 2014

Many a time it is required to call OOTB portlet struts action from custom portlets.This can be done using the simple approach as follows.   public class TestPortlet extends MVCPortlet{    @Override  public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest,  ActionResponse...

Woodbench Media | 07 Jun 2014

One issue has come up time and time again with 6.1, There isn't a built in responsive grid system for Liferay 6.1. Version 6.2 uses twitter bootsrap. Here are 10 pure css layouts that overwrite the default layouts that are provided in Liferay. When the screen is resized all of the columns stack. This is a simple solution to instantly get a responsive website for liferay 6.1. PURE...

Chema Balsas | 06 Jun 2014

Hi everyone! As someone leaked earlier this week in this tweet, we're dedicating a lot of effort into improving content creation in the next version of Liferay Portal. One of the first things we are trying to do, is to improve the portal intelligence and its ability to predict, find and suggest what the user may be looking for when writing some content. With that in mind...

Angela Wu | 05 Jun 2014

Not sure if you should attend the Liferay Symposium? Read this!     Hands-on Workshops & In-depth Technical Sessions Learn directly from Liferay masterminds on such hot topics as content targeting, single page architecture, social, and responsive design. Further maximize...

Sushil Patidar | 04 Jun 2014

As there are lot more improvements in the Alloy UI 2.X . Some attributes have been removed and some are replaced for auto complete. So to implement the comma separeted multiple autocomplete in one field in Alloy UI 1.5 there was attribute delimChar: ','   that have been replaced with queryDelimiter : ','    In Liferay 6.2 this functionality can...

Meera Prince | 11 Aug 2014

Introduction:   Liferay Service Builder is a tool to generate service layer to liferay portlets. It will create all necessary CRUD operation related classes and respective methods.   We will use  Util classes’ methods to perform CRUD operations in portlet development. The following is the tutorial...

Eduardo P. Garcia | 29 May 2014

Middle Eastern languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, are written predominantly right-to-left (RTL). However, many sites written RTL also have left-to-right (LTR) content mixed in, making them bidirectional in nature. Conveniently, browsers use language and direction information of HTML tags to automatically adapt and align page content. However, sites may consist of elements...