David H Nebinger | 06 Feb 2015

Introduction Wow, been staying up late cranking out some Vaadin blogs.  It's starting to catch up with me, but I have one more to add to the pile - Theming. Vaadin Themes in Liferay Vaadin in the portal is challenging because of theming.  In a Liferay portal window, well the surrounding frame is all managed and styled by the Liferay theme.  This poses a...

Travis Cory | 05 Feb 2015

TL;DR Understanding the purpose and goals of your client will help you develop meaningful and efficient code. Focus on one task at at time. Approximate reading time: 3 minutes As a consultant here at Liferay there are plenty of great clients to work with. Each engagement provides me with the change to develop my skills and design process. I had the opportunity to be a part of...

Abhishek Jain | 05 Feb 2015

Hello Liferay community!   We're pleased to announce a new training offering called Production Readiness on our course calendar, and this is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on what it covers, and why you might be interested in taking it. Production Readiness gives your team a better understanding of the core concepts and architecture behind Liferay, and...

Shannon Chang | 04 Feb 2015

It's hard enough to get certain developer types to mingle for even a little while without constantly checking their phones for the best time to make their exit.   It can be challenging to plan a networking event, but for a tech audience, finding the right venue to cultivate great conversation can make the difference between your event hashtag filling up social media and...

David H Nebinger | 05 Feb 2015

Introduction In my last blog post, I closed with the following: If you have the Vaadin 7 Control Panel installed and you've deployed the LazyPagedContainer Add On, you can download and deploy the vaadin-sample-portlet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war file directly from this blog. This is not completely correct.  The Vaadin 7 Control Panel includes...

Janne Hietala | 19 Aug 2015

I am excited to announce Valamis 2.2, which has some great improvements. To name few, it enables more Tin Can API use-cases on Liferay platform. You can now make learning visibile into Social Office and communities, track formal and informal learning experiences, dramatically speed up content authoring by converting powerpoint presentations into Tin Can API lessons. We're also...

David H Nebinger | 04 Feb 2015

Introduction So I wanted to provide an example Vaadin portlet built using the Vaadin 7 shared environment.  Currently I've been migrating my general development efforts over to Intellij, so I thought this would be a good time to try out creating a Vaadin 7 portlet in Intellij and Maven.  The results are outlined in the rest of this blog entry. Creating the Project ...

Neil Griffin | 04 Aug 2015

The Liferay Faces team is focussed on developing our new 4.2.5-GA6 and 3.2.5-GA6 releases as well as our new Liferay Faces Showcase demo. But since not all projects will not have an opportunity to upgrade, we developed the following patches for our GA5 release: Issue Description Version(s) FACES-1513 Portlet...

David H Nebinger | 03 Feb 2015

Introduction So Vaadin provides a core set of widgets, standard widgets that you'd find in any web framework such as radio buttons, buttons, links and text input fields. But like most other frameworks, we as developers want a richer toolset of widgets that go beyond the standard set, usually to encapsulate some bit of a control which is obviously self contained. While...

Subhasis Roy | 09 Feb 2015

The following document will provide the steps about installing the “Liferay 6.2 EE” on “JBoss 6.2 EAP” server. Softwares Required: - Download and unzip "JBoss6.2 EAP"  - Download latest version of the Liferay Portal .war file - Download Liferay’s Portal Dependencies   In this example I have used " ...

David Zhang | 03 Feb 2015

Integerate P6spy with Liferay to format Hibernate SQL When working on the customer's tickets, we may analysis the hibernate SQL to get some useful information, but it is really difficult to do that, the SQL file is disorganized, besides the most cursing problem is that there are so many “?” there, is there any way to make the hibernate SQL file be much more readable...

Bruno Farache | 22 May 2015

Hello, community! We would like to announce Liferay Push, our new framework for sending push notifications from Liferay Portal to your mobile apps. Push notifications is a technology that allows servers to broadcast messages to mobile devices. Instead of having your app poll the server for new messages every few seconds (that drains your phone battery and your monthly data...

Marcel Mika | 28 Jan 2015

This tutorial describes all the necessary steps needed to integrate LIMS Messenger for Liferay to the Jabber (XMPP) server. If you are interested in LIMS Messenger for Liferay visit the official website. Jabber is the original name of the XMPP protocol, an open-standard communications protocol based on XML. Jabber server integration allows users using the LIMS MUC portlet in their...

Olaf Kock | 28 Jan 2015

Ich bin mal wieder auf Reisen - und zwar in Wien. Und welche bessere Gelegenheit Land und Leute kennenzulernen gibt es, als ein Liferay Community Meeting (oder Radio Liferay Hörertreffen)? Hofburg, Wien CC by-nd 2.0 by R. Halfpaap Es gibt keine Agenda, aber mit Liferay wahrscheinlich ein gemeinsames Gesprächsthema. Anmeldung erbeten (dann kümmere ich mich um Platzreservierung und...

David H Nebinger | 11 Feb 2015

Liferay ships with a pretty old copy of Vaadin 6, but most documentation and examples out now are for Vaadin 7.  It's pretty easy to upgrade the shared Vaadin environment to Vaadin 7, as simple as installing the Vaadin 7 Control Panel from the Marketplace. When the Vaadin 7 Control Panel is installed, it will purge Vaadin 6 from the Liferay environment and copy an initial...

Marcus Hjortzén | 27 Jan 2015

Are you developing a large amount of plugins? Ever found yourself frustrated with having to manually deploy war-files to development, test and production (clustered?) environments?  When performing Quality Assurance on a release it is important that it is the same build / release that is eventually deployed to production. This might sound like an easy task but...

Krzysztof Gołębiowski | 25 Jan 2015

It is a common practice to embed Web Content Articles in a theme. Once Web Content's were embedded using Web Content Display portlet, nowadays we can use journalContentUtil which is already visible for theme developers: $journalContentUtil.getContent($groupId, $articleId, $viewMode, $locale, $theme_display) As usual, there are pros and cons of this approach: It...

Marcus Hjortzén | 21 Jan 2015

I previously wrote a blog entry regarding Liferay Sync and ways to authenticate the application even when using SSO (and not really having access to the SSO-password). Apparently there was interest in seeing the code and hopefully using it. I published it on Github under my employer's organization (Uppsala University).  The code is really written as a proof of concept,...

Olaf Kock | 20 Jan 2015

  A short Inbetweenisode on the release of 6.2 CE GA3 with repeat guest and Community Manager James Falkner. During Devcon James promised the release for the 15. January - while I stated that this release date was wishful thinking. Now we actually hit the promised release date for the first time known to both of us. Enough reason to get together and talk about the underlying...

Esther Sanz | 20 Jan 2015

  LA Unconference December 2014 December is always a very exciting time of the year when engineers gather in our LA office to discuss, work and have fun together. It is a time for reflection and to review what we have accomplished over the past year.   Like a big family whose members meet after a long time, we start with a big event which helps foster...