Pavel Savinov | 26 Oct 2018

In Liferay 7.1 we introduced a new approach to the Liferay Navigation. New navigation doesn't depend on the pages tree, there is a possibility to create multiple navigation menus, to compose them using different types of elements and to assign them different functions. Out of the box, we provide 3 types of menu elements - Pages, Submenus and URLs.  But we don't want to limit the...

Eduardo Perez | 23 Oct 2018

As many of you probably know, starting with Liferay DXP, Elasticsearch is the default Search Engine. In fact, by default, an Elasticsearch instance is embedded in Liferay DXP (it’s a good moment to remind everyone that this is not supported for Production environments, where a separate Elasticsearch instance must be created). In this article we’re going to outline how to use the...

Victor Galan | 30 Oct 2018

In the previous blog post we covered the beginning of the project, this includes a description of the app features, advantages of using Liferay Screens and lastly the wireframe. In this one, we will cover how we can “screenletize” the different screens of the application and build them combining different screenlets. We will also organise the 10 days and plan what are the tasks we...

Victor Galan | 23 Oct 2018

Before we begin with this story, for those of you that don’t know about Liferay Screens. Liferay Screens is a library for iOS, Android and Xamarin that aims to speed up the development of native applications that use Liferay as a backend. It’s basically a collection of components, called Screenlets. These components are very easy to connect to your Liferay instance and provide plenty...

Pavel Savinov | 26 Oct 2018

Display pages functionality in Liferay always was tightly coupled to the Web Content articles, we never had plans to support more or less the same technology for other types of assets even though we had many of these types: Documents & Media, Bookmarks, Wiki, etc... Even User is an asset and every user has corresponding AssetEntry in the database. But for Liferay 7.1 we decided to...

Pavel Savinov | 19 Oct 2018

In Liferay 7.1 we presented a new vision to the page authoring process. The main idea was to empower business users to create pages and visualize contents in a very visual way, without a need to know technical stuff like Freemarker or Velocity for the Web Content templates. To make it possible we introduced the fragment concept. In our vision fragment is a construction block...

Minhchau Dang | 17 Oct 2018

Liferay is a large project, and many developers who are attempting to get their customizations to work with Liferay will often end up asking the question, "What version of module W should I use at compile time when I'm running on Liferay X.Y.Z?" To answer that question, Liferay has some instructions on how to find versions in its document, Configuring Dependencies. This blog entry...

David Gómez | 17 Oct 2018

Every year we, the developers doing amazing things with Liferay's products, have this unique opportunity to meet, learn and enjoy those long technical discussions with each other. All that happens at DEVCON - our main developer conference which is taking place in Amsterdam from November 6th to 8th. This year's agenda is filled with sessions delivering in depth...

Ignacio Roncero Bazarra | 16 Oct 2018

GitHub repositoty: Summary This gradle plugin let you manage your properties files on your liferay workspace (version 7.0 and 7.1). Blade tool initializes this kind of workpace with one folder named configs. There are some folder into configs folder: common dev local prod uat ...

Luis Miguel Barco | 08 Oct 2018

First of all, for those of you who don't know about Liferay Screens. Liferay Screens is a component library based on components called Screenlets. A screenlet is a visual component that you insert into your native app to leverage Liferay’s content and services, allowing you to create complex native applications for iOS and Android very fast. Awesome, isn’t it? BUT, Do you need to...