Olaf Kock | 04 Feb 2020

Two things in life are certain. And one of them is what this article is about ;) Now that Liferay CE 7.3.0 is out and still offers Widget Pages, I'm happy to present a long standing optional feature that just requires a few lines of CSS (and - as always - could benefit greatly from someone donating a slightly prettier version) What's it all about? When you drag&drop widgets...

Jamie Sammons | 05 Feb 2020

We are happy to announce the availability of Liferay Portal CE 7.3 GA1. This is the first rolling release (announcement about this new release strategy coming soon) for the 7.3 series. What can you expect from this release? The first set of finished features that will be made available during the 7.3 cycle. Many more features are in progress but hidden for this first release. ...

David H Nebinger | 01 Feb 2020

Just a quick one this morning... So I'm working on a project for 7.1. With my new love of the target platform, I decide I'm going to enable the 7.1 target platform for my DXP project. Everything seems to work fine until I deploy the portlet jar. That's when I get the following during deployment: 2020-02-01 08:40:06.324 ERROR...

David H Nebinger | 31 Jan 2020

Introduction So I get finished which the previous blog, Visiting DynamicQuery, and I shared it with my team. I'm always kind of happy when I get a new blog post done, so I share it with everyone I can think of. The first comment I got was from my friend and teammate, Shane Merriss: Hey Dave, thanks for the blog post, I’ll be able to share it with my client since we use it in a...

David H Nebinger | 30 Jan 2020

Introduction If you've used any Liferay entities or ServiceBuilder custom entities, you've likely run into a situation where you've needed to perform a custom query to get a set of results that are outside of what the normal methods provide. So you've had to use a DynamicQuery in order to make that happen. Or perhaps you've needed to perform batch operations on entities and...

Olaf Kock | 19 Jun 2020

   An episode that was recorded together with episode 62, but got a bit lost (well, I admit - it was just sitting on my disk). But here we are: David shares four of his favorite horror stories - those that tought him what he never wants to see again. Hopefully it's useful so that you learn from it before experiencing those stories yourself. We've talked about ...

David H Nebinger | 30 Jan 2020

One thing I sometimes see is using a given Liferay feature the wrong way in order to do something. Take delivering content to the right users. Liferay actually has a bunch of ways to accomplish this kind of thing. First we have taxonomy. Using vocabularies, categories and tags, you can apply taxonomy to your assets and then, through an asset publisher or search filter, for...

Olaf Kock | 22 Aug 2020

If you're following Liferay's Forums, Slack, and other locations where questions regarding Liferay Portal and Liferay DXP are asked and answered, you'll find that there's one question coming up over and over again. It's about Liferay's internal database's Entity Relationship diagram, to understand the database structure and content. Typically this is asked for because individuals...

Olaf Kock | 24 Jan 2020

  For this episode I spoke with Andrew Jardine, Community Contributor Award winner for 7 years in a row about his history with Liferay, the community, how to improve it and, of course, his new passion project, We've recorded this episode during Devcon 2019, but I've been keeping it back for a bit, to give Andrew a bit more time to produce more content...

David H Nebinger | 23 Jan 2020

I did an informal poll on the Liferay community Slack channel recently: I was actually kind of surprised by the majority of votes for the "What is the target platform?" option. So, inspired by the results of the poll, I'm going to answer the question, What is the Target Platform? The Target Platform's Roots So the phrase, "Target Platform", is really a Liferay-only name...