Jonas Choi | 22 Dec 2020

I guess we'll call this Part 4 in my series on doing stuff with Docker and DXP Cloud. DXP Cloud offers a full DevOps lifecycle, but having to go through that process for every small change can be very inefficient and tedious. Every code change that gets pushed up to the GitHub repos will need to go through Jenkins CI, and then manually be deployed to the environment. A possible...

David H Nebinger | 17 Aug 2021

About a year ago, Liferay introduced a new program that I have been actively participating in, Liferay Developer Services. But what is this program? Liferay Support When you are a Liferay DXP customer, you automatically get access to Liferay Support as part of the Subscription Services. Support is staffed by a great bunch of people that want to help clients resolve product-level issues....

Jonas Choi | 08 Dec 2020

This could be considered Part 3 of "Dockerizing a Liferay Bundle" but has very little to do with Docker, with the exception that DXP Cloud uses Docker images. I split this in to a separate section because not everyone is interested in DXP Cloud. This will focus more on converting a Liferay DXP instance using a Docker image to DXP Cloud. These steps will work as well for taking a...

Olaf Kock | 09 Feb 2021

German/English mixed event - English language below Nach der Verschiebung des Schweizer Community Meetups von 2020, ist die Veranstaltung von Vor-Ort-Treffen ja immer noch schwierig - daher haben wir uns entschieden, im Januar zu drei virtuellen Community Lunch 'n Learn-Treffen (via Zoom) einzuladen: Wie bei allen Community Meetings geht's um zwanglosen Meinungsaustausch und...

Mohammed Yasin | 03 Dec 2020

By default when session timeout occurs, Liferay will redirect to home page. In case we need to redirect to custom url we can do that by implementing SSO interface as below : 1. Create an OSGi module and place a new Java class into a package in its src folder. 2. In the @Component annotation, add service=SSO.class and implement SSO Interface as below...

David Gomez | 30 Nov 2020

El año 2020 va a pasar a la historia por ser el año del confinamiento, de las restricciones de movilidad, de mantener las distancias sociales. Mantener distancia física en nuestras relaciones sociales para cuidarnos y tener a salvo a nuestra familia y nuestros seres queridos es prioritario. Pero eso no impide que dejemos de relacionarnos, sólo lo hacemos de una forma distinta, y eso...

Andre Kreienbring | 30 Nov 2020

Every one knows that bringing a website online means to face some challenges to be compliant with the local law. Especially in Europe we face the changes that were introduced in 2018. This blog post is about the Liferay way to deal with cookies and I think it's worth to think about it. To learn about the rules in Europe you could read this: Ultimate Guide to EU Cookie Laws. It...

Zankar Shah | 25 Nov 2020

Requirement : Hide the control panel menu by if users have logged in.   In theme we know that by adding <@liferay.control_menu/> macro, we get control panel menu.  But sometimes we want it conditional.  We don't want control panel menu to appear on the screen by default which can take up header space.  The control panel menu is added by adding...

Jonas Choi | 24 Nov 2020

In Part 1, I presented a brief overview of how the local file system can interact with the official Liferay Docker images. In this part, I will cover how to migrate or convert an existing bundle that is running on a local machine into a Docker image that is easily maintainable and distributable, with an eye towards DXP Cloud. This is not a full tutorial on Docker, and as such, I...

Jonas Choi | 24 Nov 2020

While the official Liferay Docker images have been out and available for many years now, and I'm sure many people are making use of them, I haven't been able to find documentation or a guide that talks about using them, so I wrote this. This is the result of my own experimentation and usage of said images. In this part, we will cover what the Liferay Docker image offers and the...