Brian Chan | 05 Nov 2007

4.3.4 is the latest stable and recommended production release from Liferay. Release Notes: SVN Tag: It includes many numerous performance improvements and bug fixes. The most notable is that our Lucene...

Minhchau Dang | 03 Nov 2007

The nice thing about Liferay's drag and drop layout is that you (usually) don't have to remember any of the portlet ids. At least, until you do. If you skim through, there's a set of properties all prefixed with default.user.layout which let you control this. However, it wants portlet ids, which Liferay doesn't readily give to you unless you dig through...

Craig Kaneko | 02 Nov 2007

  I figured out how to do this when I was testing the message board subscriptions and the web form portlet. Configure your ROOT.xml to look like this: <Resource                         name="mail/MailSession" ...

James Min | 02 Nov 2007

A common question and topic when I do training or work on support cases, is, "What is the right way to do inter portlet communication in Liferay?" Well, there is no "right way" to do this. At least not yet. This is because IPC was left out of JSR-168. In other words, there is no standard API. As for JSR-286, there will be a IPC standard that will be an event system. IPC is on the...

Louis Mui | 02 Nov 2007

Imagine this: (remember this is just a re-enactment, names have been changed to ensure privacy) It is Friday night and you are heading over to the friend's house, let's call him... Ryan Cheung, to hang. He whips out his shiny Apple Mac Pro and states that he has the new OS X Leopard and wants to experience the OS in it's entire glory. So, he turns it on and proceeds to start with...

Rich Sezov | 31 Oct 2007

While it's nice to blog about some of the tools I use (see the below posts on VirtualBox and the Lomboz plugin for Eclipse for more info), I figured I should probably mention some of the stuff I'm working on for Liferay. Though I'd like to think I was brought in because of my 1337 5k1||z, the fact of the matter is that I have only one ingredient that separates me from others (and it...

Jorge Ferrer | 30 Oct 2007

My previous post had much more success that I had ever imagined, which is good because it means that there is a lot of interest in the community to have a better wiki portlet. Also one of my conclusions after reading the comments is that there is a renewed interest in Liferay's bundled wiki portlet. This purpose of this second post is to explain, and show with screenshots, a set of...

Alexander Chow | 30 Oct 2007

Most engineers in Liferay, Inc. happen to be Windows users.  Me, I've got one of the few MacBook Pro's in the company. Ever since I joined the company in May 2005, I have used Macs to do my development.  In fact, I have been using Macs since 1994.  Sure, I am in the minority, but I do make a ruckus when things break on Safari.  Anyhow, in honor of the growing...

Rich Sezov | 30 Oct 2007

My operating system of choice happens to be Mandriva Linux. Currently, I am running the Mandriva Linux 2008 Power Pack release. I have been running Mandriva since the dawn of time in Linux parlance: since it was called Mandrake and was a derivitive of Redhat. Since I joined Liferay, I have found that I often need Windows in order to test and debug support tickets. I have a new machine...

Michael Young | 29 Oct 2007

I've been thinking a bit about the different technologies available to those thinking about integrating external applications into portal environments. One of the most requested questions we get in client situtations is "How do we integrate our exising applications written in PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc? I wish there was a straightforward answer to that, but unfortunately the answer is: it...