Entries with Products Liferay Portal 7.3 .

David H Nebinger | 15 Mar 2024

Introduction Recently my friend and coworker Andrew Jardine and I were together in Rome for a Liferay Partner event where we were part of a round table discussion about all things Liferay. Even before the session, Andrew and I had already picked up our friendly argument about Staging (me) versus Publications (Andrew) and which one is better. For us it has always been...

David H Nebinger | 06 Dec 2023

Introduction So I was recently working with a team that was completing an upgrade assessment for a client wanting to upgrade from 7.2 to 7.4. A big chunk of the work in upgrading the client was going to be taken upgrading the themes. The client had one primary theme which contained the common style rules, but they also had 8 "child" themes, based upon the primary,...

David H Nebinger | 29 Nov 2023

So just a quick one today about an issue that I helped a coworker with. A client had reported that after they restarted Liferay, they had to redeploy their custom module that had a replacement @Component for one of Liferay's components, otherwise the custom component would not work. I replied back, "Oh, they just need to blocklist the Liferay component so their custom...

David H Nebinger | 09 Nov 2023

Introduction In today's Office Hours session, the first question out of the gate was "If I'm using OpenID Connect for SSO, how can I synchronize UserGroup membership?". And, well, I just didn't know, but I said that I'd find out and then write a blog post to share the details, figuring that others doing OIDC may face similar sorts of concerns. I thought that...

David H Nebinger | 29 Sep 2023

Introduction Recently I was pulled into a client project that was created for Liferay 7.4 and they needed to share content, structures, templates, documents, etc with multiple sites. Then I found out that they had done this the old way using the Global Site, and I was like "No No No, we have to fix this, we have to use Asset Libraries!" And everyone just...

David H Nebinger | 20 Sep 2023

Introduction So recently I wrote the blog, Gradle 7 is here! Yay? where I showed how to update your workspace to Gradle 7.3.3, and I just kind of stopped there. I mean, I kind of assumed that as developers we might just be interested in having our toolchains up to date (we all know how infosec teams react when they find out we're using outdated tools). So other than...

David H Nebinger | 01 Sep 2023

Introduction It started with a simple Liferay Community Slack post by Pierre Beule: Hello, I am using pretty standard Liferay stuff to generate a Liferay configuration (let's say a GROUP scoped configuration for instance). package com.test; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta; import ...

David H Nebinger | 30 Aug 2023

Just a quick post today about the new Blade 5.0 release... It's out now, and you can update your local Blade using the blade update command. This new release supports JDK 11.0.20+ (so you don't have to manually massage your settings.gradle files to support it), plus for new workspaces it will use Gradle 7 (7.3.3) as well as the latest workspace plugin versions. For...

David H Nebinger | 28 Mar 2024

Introduction So for some time now, Liferay builds have been stuck on Gradle 6. Which, you know, is 2 releases behind the currently available Gradle 8... But, after a lot of work, Liferay is ready to release support for Gradle 7. Gradle 7? Yes, that's right, I wrote Gradle 7, not Gradle 8. Apparently the release of Gradle 8 occurred some time after the...

David H Nebinger | 02 Oct 2023

Introduction So if you really want to set off a firestorm with geeks like myself, step into the group and say "VI is better than Emacs!" Be sure to turn and walk away quickly or you might find yourself included in the tussle. Another way to set off a firestorm is to mention ChatGPT. Some like it, some hate it. I'm not really going to cover whether it is...

David H Nebinger | 18 Aug 2023

NOTE: Please read to the end of the blog, there are important updates that affect developers, don't just stop at the conclusion... Introduction So, the various flavors of Java have just released the shiny new version, 11.0.20. Like many, I'm sure, I tried to start up Liferay with this new JDK and hit an exception at startup: Caused by:...

Mohammed Yasin | 24 May 2023

Publication Framework of Liferay is one of the powerful feature which helps us to track the change set, review and publish it (Refer). By default Liferay provides this feature which is already enabled with many of the out of the box modules like WebContent, Blogs, etc.. We can also use this feature with our Custom Entity by Integrating Publication Framework with our Custom module. ...

David H Nebinger | 24 Mar 2023

Another quick one today... So when you start your brand spanking new Liferay environment, you will automatically get your test@liferay.com administrator account (or test@<your company email here> if you've set up the company.default.web.id and/or company.default.virtual.host.mail.domain property keys before first launch, or <your admin>@<your company...

David H Nebinger | 21 Feb 2023

Introduction Recently there have been a bunch of questions lately in Slack, in Ask, and even in Liferay Support tickets complaining about the time it takes to log into Liferay and what can be done to improve performance, specifically targeting the hash algorithms... TL;DR - Liferay has increased the rounds on the PBKDF2 hash which is detrimental to your login...

David H Nebinger | 27 Jul 2022

Introduction You may have seen my blog Setting Up JNDI in Liferay 7.4 which I posted to explain how to do a JNDI lookup. The code works, I assure you, but there's one group of developers that blog didn't serve: Spring Portlet Developers. Whether you are developing using PortletMVC4Spring and Spring 5, or you are developing using Spring Portlet MVC under an older ...

David H Nebinger | 22 Jul 2022

Introduction I've been working with a client to upgrade their Spring portlet wars to Liferay 7.4. And the update is kind of big as we're upgrading Spring, changing to PortletMVC4Spring (needed for Spring 5), ... They have a large number of Spring portlet wars, but in reviewing the code I noticed that each of the wars had duplicate Spring services defined into the Spring...

David H Nebinger | 12 Feb 2022

Introduction In November of 2018, I authored a blog, Boosting Search. In that blog, I showed how to boost search results for tag matches in an effort to provide some alternative to GSA's KeyMatch support. A lot has changed in Liferay since that blog was posted, and it turns out there are much easier ways now in DXP 7.4 that won't require any code at all... Results Ranking In discussing the...

David H Nebinger | 07 Feb 2022

Introduction I've worked with clients that, for one reason or another, needed to change their database platform. This ask has increased with the move to DXPCloud and MySQL database. I'm not sure there's a well defined plan for how to migrate a Liferay database, so I thought I'd blog about it. Now, if you know anything about me, you know I'm a planner and I create (sometimes intricate)...

David H Nebinger | 26 Jan 2022

Introduction I was recently polling my coworkers looking for new blog ideas, and Filipe Melo asked about Websockets. I haven't seen any other documentation or blogs about building Websocket solutions for Liferay, so I figured this would be an interesting challenge. Websockets was introduced to provide a full duplex and realtime client/server communication path between remote clients and your...

David H Nebinger | 26 Jan 2022

Introduction My friend and coworker Eric Chin recently posed a question on our internal slack channels asking if anyone had experience with Liferay's Batch mode and he was not finding enough supporting documentation on it. Although I hadn't yet worked with Liferay Batch, I kind of took it as a challenge to not only give it a try, but more importantly to document it in a new blog post, so here...