Entries with Projects Frameworks .

David H Nebinger | 15 Apr 2024

Introduction In my recent blog, Introduction to Liferay Objects, I used Objects and Liferay OOTB facilities to have a list of Course Registrations and UI interfaces for submitting a new Course Registration, listing them, and for admin users the ability to approve or deny them. It worked well, but it didn't handle maybe some expected requirements. For example, the...

David H Nebinger | 05 Apr 2024

Introduction So I've been working on my Objects Rule! series and have been working on an app I plan on showing off soon, but I realized that there is probably a gap explaining, well, how do you get started? I mean, it's one thing to go and check the client extensions sample repo here: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/tree/master/workspaces/liferay-sample-workspace,...

David H Nebinger | 16 Mar 2024

Introduction Wow, I've blogged about Liferay Objects a lot lately. Talked about them too. Also am working on developing materials for learn.liferay.com about Objects. But one thing I haven't seen is an introduction to objects suitable for long-time Liferay users or new Liferay users, so I thought I'd take time to write one (since my blog ideas well seems to be...

David H Nebinger | 09 Mar 2024

Introduction I was recently in a meeting reviewing some FreeMarker templates that were extracting web contents using a structure, parsing and processing the data, and rendering an output. Basically the implementation was kind of the classic or "legacy" way of doing specialized presentation of structured contents in Liferay. In this case they had a Carousel...

Neil Griffin | 12 Dec 2023

Spring Framework Compatibility Version Release Date Description   5.3.3 Dec 11, 2023 AD For use with Spring Framework 5.3.x (tested with 5.3.30) Release Notes 5.2.4 Dec 11, 2023 AD For use with Spring Framework 5.2.x (tested with 5.2.25) Release Notes ...

David H Nebinger | 06 Dec 2023

Introduction So I was recently working with a team that was completing an upgrade assessment for a client wanting to upgrade from 7.2 to 7.4. A big chunk of the work in upgrading the client was going to be taken upgrading the themes. The client had one primary theme which contained the common style rules, but they also had 8 "child" themes, based upon the primary,...

David H Nebinger | 13 Nov 2023

Introduction So I kind of have a "famous" blog post on Liferay Scheduled Tasks: https://liferay.dev/blogs/-/blogs/liferay-7-ce-liferay-dxp-scheduled-tasks. I say "famous" because it has been used by many folks to create scheduled tasks for Liferay 7, but it has also been the source of some bugs (i.e. undeploying from a cluster could cancel a job ...

Iván Zaera Avellón | 20 Oct 2023

This article explains how to deploy npm packages bundled with webpack that export and import stuff through the standard ECMAScript modules feature. This is a sequel of the Moving from AMD to Browser modules in Liferay DXP blog post, so it’s recommended reading that if you haven’t done so already. Why use webpack with ES modules? The main goal of using webpack and ES...

Iván Zaera Avellón | 11 Aug 2023

This article explains how to leverage the new ECMAScript modules feature (from now on will be referred to as ESM), Custom Element and Import Map Entry client extensions in Liferay DXP to achieve the same goals possible in the AMD architecture (and more). The motivation for this article is that, with the new ESM/client extensions architecture, the things we were used to doing with...

David H Nebinger | 10 Apr 2023

Introduction So I'm going to be putting together a series of blogs on new things that are available in Liferay 7.4, but I realized after starting a blog on Objects that I need to take a step back and instead start with what Liferay calls DSLQuery... DSLQuery is really an acronym for Domain Specific Language Query, because the foundation is based upon using a domain ...

Olaf Kock | 30 Mar 2023

If you've ever repeatedly gone through a checklist, with programming knowledge: How often did you have to repeat the steps until you automated them? Or, without programming knowledge: How often did you repeat them until you wished for them to be automated? I'm working in Liferay's Sales Engineering team. And in this role, I constantly set up new servers and install demos - and I'd...

Neil Griffin | 15 Sep 2022

"There is nothing new under the sun" - King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 1 In one sense, this blog entry doesn't contain anything new. In another sense, since it brings pieces of prior entries together, I hope that it provides some new insight for portlet developers to overcome the "Unresolved requirement: Import-Package" deployment error. Reference Blog...

David H Nebinger | 09 Aug 2022

Just a quick one today... A community member reported getting an exception during module deployment: INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:238] Processing com.liferay.report.jar ERROR [fileinstall-directory-watcher][DirectoryWatcher:1195] Unable to start bundle: ...

David H Nebinger | 27 Jul 2022

Introduction You may have seen my blog Setting Up JNDI in Liferay 7.4 which I posted to explain how to do a JNDI lookup. The code works, I assure you, but there's one group of developers that blog didn't serve: Spring Portlet Developers. Whether you are developing using PortletMVC4Spring and Spring 5, or you are developing using Spring Portlet MVC under an older ...

David H Nebinger | 22 Jul 2022

Introduction I've been working with a client to upgrade their Spring portlet wars to Liferay 7.4. And the update is kind of big as we're upgrading Spring, changing to PortletMVC4Spring (needed for Spring 5), ... They have a large number of Spring portlet wars, but in reviewing the code I noticed that each of the wars had duplicate Spring services defined into the Spring...

Neil Griffin | 21 Jul 2022

Celebrating 10 Years of Liferay Faces The Liferay Faces project began back in 2012, and 10 years later we're celebrating the most significant release in the history of the project, including: Standards-based support for Portlet 3.0 + JSF 2.2 (JSR 378) Runtime support for Portlet 3.0 + JSF 2.3 Support for Liferay CE/DXP 7.4 Support for thick and thin WAR artifact...

Maharajan Paramasivan | 29 Apr 2022

Part-1 | What & Why & When Custom Liferay Framework Create your own Liferay Framework, Understand the possibilities to write your own Liferay framework for any complex custom developed solution which could evolve with time like any other Liferay Out Of The Box Feature. Custom Liferay Framework - What? Alright! This is where we set the context. What is a Framework? ...

Maharajan Paramasivan | 28 Apr 2022

Part-2 | How to Custom Liferay Framework? Implement your own Custom Liferay Framework over a simple use case and understand the possibilities and capabilities that open up. Continuing on top of the perspectives and ideas discussed in Part 1 of the blog series, we will try to implement our own Custom Liferay Framework for a simple use case picked up from one of the Liferay OOTB...

Mohammed Yasin | 21 Apr 2022

Liferay provides an option to configure password policy (refer), it provides an option to mention Password Expiry Time. Once the Password is expired then user will not be able to login to the system and when user tries to login, Liferay shows error message :   Error: Your password has expired. Please contact an administrator to reset your password. Admin needs to reset the user...

Neil Griffin | 04 Apr 2022

The following versions of PortletMVC4Spring were released on April 1, 2022 AD: (NOT an April Fools joke, BTW -- the release actually occurred on that day) Version Description   5.3.2For use with Spring Framework 5.3.x (tested with 5.3.18)Release Notes          For download coordinates and archetype usage, see the ...