David H Nebinger | 10 Nov 2021

Introduction In a recent blog I explained how to create a React-based portlet within your Liferay Gradle Workspace by using the js-widget Blade template which in turn uses the Yeoman Liferay JS Generator to create the project. (Wow, that was a mouthful ;-) ) In this way, you can have your Liferay Gradle Workspace take care of building your complete suite of Liferay modules, the...

Jamie Sammons | 15 Nov 2021

Download options Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below. Docker image To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA4 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA4 run the following: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal: For more...

Marcial Calvo Valenzuela | 03 Nov 2021

Esta entrada de blog  está también disponible en español. One of the star features of the Kubernetes world is, without a doubt, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. With it, we can benefit from a superior performance capacity of our service at specific moments, where the original dimensioning of our cluster may not be sufficient, avoiding degradation or even loss of service. Kubernetes...

Marcial Calvo Valenzuela | 03 Nov 2021

Check english version here Una de las funcionalidades estrella del mundo de Kubernetes es, sin lugar a dudas, la del Autoescalado Horizontal de Pods. Con ella, podemos beneficiarnos de una capacidad de rendimiento superior de nuestro servicio en momentos puntuales, donde el dimensionamiento origen de nuestro cluster pueda no ser suficiente, evitando degradamiento o incluso...

Scarletake Bwi | 29 Oct 2021

I struggle on this for over 3 weeks. god... my envirement Liferay CE 7.4.2 GA3 Oracle JDK 8 Windows 10 Liferay Developer Studio Version:   sometime, we have to connect to another database for many reasons, system is old, they cannot provide web service..etc.   there have two ways for this purpose, DataSourceProvider and SpringBeans IMPORTANT! 1. before...

Vitaliy Koshelenko | 27 Oct 2021

Overview For the many years Liferay theme was the only way for defining the portal appearance. Usually, when a new project started (or customer requested a new site with a brand new design) - development  began with a new theme creation. With themes it's possible to define the overall styling and the basic page structure. Also, we can define the configuration options with...

Anne Durey | 25 Oct 2021

/dev/24 is almost here. Have you seen the preliminary agenda?  Do you want to improve your Forms game? There's a talk for you.  If you want to go code-less when implementing a site, there's a talk for you. If you want to run BPMN process in Liferay, there's a talk for you. How about using Async HTTP clients? Well there's a talk for that. And more! Improving TreeFilter, Collection...

Olaf Kock | 21 Oct 2021

Instead of writing a full article here, let me just point you to an article about /dev/24 on our company blog. You'll find a lot more interesting articles there. In general, they're less technical than the ones you find here. Still worth reading, especially​​​​​​​ when you're starting with this one about the upcoming /dev/24 event.

Olaf Kock | 14 Oct 2021

In case you're working on multiple Liferay servers, like I frequently do, you might have seen this problem, and fell for it: In the backend, namely Control Panel and Site Administration, they all look the same. Rarely do I see anybody working on a new "Admin Theme" for those places. I've had enough of trying to decipher the URL and host name, and decided to do something about it, that doesn't...

Anne Durey | 11 Oct 2021

You thought "I'd love to present something on /dev/24" but totally missed the deadline of the call for presentations? Say no more! The deadline for answering the call for presentations is extended until 15th Oct, 23:59:59 UTC. This is your final chance to come and help to build /dev/24 and also brag about what you have developed for Liferay Portal/DXP 7.4. Right now all you need to provide is...

Allen Ziegenfus | 07 Oct 2021

Did you know that you could subscribe to a RSS feed for Liferay blogs? You can use this URL to subscribe to community blogs on the site: In addition to the community blogs, we also have blogs on our main web site on a variety of topics: Starting next week (by October 14th or 15th), we will...

Anne Durey | 23 Sep 2021

It's that time of the year.  You've worked on/with Liferay Portal 7.4.  You are about to use Liferay Portal 7.4 to solve a problem.  You have any other awesome contribution you've made or plan on doing.  This is your chance to show it to the world during /dev/24, on the 3rd and 4th November.  The Call for Presentations is open, and here's why you should submit your 20...

David H Nebinger | 18 Sep 2021

Introduction So when you start building your own fragments and using them on your content pages, you will often times run into an issue with propagation... So I like to create fragments for headers and footers and then use those fragments on every page that I build. But when I update those fragments, I have to go into the usages panel to do the propagation so they all get updated. If you...

Roselaine Marques | 16 Sep 2021

Created in the middle of the Covid Pandemic in 2020, /dev/24 has come to stay { yeaaahh!! :clapping: }  Following the big success of the 24-hour-non-stop event last year...  We will do it again until:   For those of you who missed /dev/24 last year, or are not sure and asking yourself: “What is this event?”. Let me give you a quick overview: This is not a company event,...

Vitaliy Koshelenko | 10 Sep 2021

Overview   Search is one of the fundamental Liferay features, which provides users with the possibility to quickly find the content they look for. It’s powerful, pretty much configurable, and flexible.  However, during implementation of the latest project for our client we run into a bunch of issues. Some of them were Liferay bugs or missing functionality, other ones - configuration...

Olaf Kock | 09 Sep 2021

In the ancient past, Liferay had a feature to discover individual portlet's rendering times. It looks like this got lost with the move to OSGi -  but it's also reasonably simple to replace. Especially when it's for portlets only (fragments are still on the to-do list) Some portlets take longer than others. While that's ok - they typically provide more value and dynamic content - you might...

Maurice Sepe | 02 Sep 2021

Overview While working on an intranet with on of our clients in the APAC region, we discovered that private pages are not indexed correctly, thus having issues when searching content. Product team is already aware of this and have already logged a ticket here. While adding features to Liferay is all good and well, we don't have the time to wait for the product team, and thus this...

Ashley Yuan | 31 Aug 2021

The new Liferay IntelliJ 1.9.4 plugin supports IntelliJ 2021.2 and 2021.2.1. Head over to this page for downloading.   Release Highlights improvements on new liferay module wizard upgrade sinceBuild to 212 and fix compatibility issues support creating a maven workspace using target platform bug fix for rerun server button inside of a maven workspace ...

Yuxing Wu | 31 Aug 2021

Downloads: Liferay Portal 7.2 GA2: Patch | Readme All vulnerabilities fixed in these patches have already been fixed in Liferay Portal 7.3 GA8 and 7.4 GA3. Please refer to the readme file for a list of issues addressed in each patch. For more information on working with patches, please see Patching Liferay Portal . Thanks to Arun Das, binary builds of the patches are available: From...

Roselaine Marques | 30 Aug 2021

In a native React application, it is common that you have the CSS separated by components like I said here, actually maybe you want to use a separate SCSS to take advantage from SASS. So to do it in a Liferay React Application, we need to do some configurations.  Why?  We are working a Structure of OSGi Bundles Containing NPM Packages wrapper by Portlet Component, for this reason,...