Entries with tag client-extensions .

Iván Zaera Avellón | 20 Oct 2023

This article explains how to deploy npm packages bundled with webpack that export and import stuff through the standard ECMAScript modules feature. This is a sequel of the Moving from AMD to Browser modules in Liferay DXP blog post, so it’s recommended reading that if you haven’t done so already. Why use webpack with ES modules? The main goal of using webpack and ES...

Iván Zaera Avellón | 11 Aug 2023

This article explains how to leverage the new ECMAScript modules feature (from now on will be referred to as ESM), Custom Element and Import Map Entry client extensions in Liferay DXP to achieve the same goals possible in the AMD architecture (and more). The motivation for this article is that, with the new ESM/client extensions architecture, the things we were used to doing with...

Roselaine Marques | 05 Jul 2023

You should be aware of the benefits of using client extension and maybe you already started using it (if don't, you should do it) your project is not an LXC (SaaS) and you would like to avoid the need to configure it from the UI manually for all environments, this blog post is for you! Who is using remote apps in an On-premise environment, a proposed solution to automate...