Entries with Blog Stream News .

James Falkner | 15 Jan 2016

I'm very happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA6! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [JBoss Bundle] [GlassFish Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Quick Start] [Detailed Install Instructions]. This is a minor update to address a significant incompatibility discovered in our community with Liferay  Sync. As Liferay 7 is right around the...

Yoshiki Hisamoto | 14 Jan 2016

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into...

Yoshiki Hisamoto | 14 Jan 2016

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into...

James Falkner | 14 Jan 2016

Back in 2012 we began a quarterly program to recognize those of you who have over the years contributed more to Liferay than your average open source enthusiast. Each quarter we recognize the top contributors and the last 2 quarters are no different. These individuals have contributed code, blogs, helped out on the forums, and generally improved the Liferay community...

Jorge Ferrer | 25 Dec 2015

Just in time to throw a big celebration we finally have achieved Beta status for Liferay 7! As mentioned in a previous blog entry, the criteria to meet Beta status is: Data upgrade finalized for all bundled applications: You can now start testing the upgrades from your Liferay installations to Liferay 7. We really need your help here since there are so many different...

Jorge Ferrer | 07 Dec 2015

You probably have not had time to digest Alpha 3 yet, but here we are again with a new preliminary release: Liferay 7 Alpha 4 is out! This release fixes 82 bugs resolved since Alpha 3 and adds 31 small improvements: More portlets getting Lexicon-based designs (including Site Memberships, this time for real), several functional improvements to Forms, notifications in the product...

Ray Augé | 01 Dec 2015

I really love how everyone at Liferay is taking to the OSGi development model. It makes me proud to see how much work has been done in this regard. There's one very cool area I think is worth expanding on. Requirements and Capabilities What is it? Some history. The Requirements and Capabilities model is a surprisingly powerful concept born from the 17 years of experience...

Nicole Xavier | 03 Dec 2015

If you want to learn more regarding the legal aspects using Liferay Community Edition (CE) and/or Liferay Enterprise Edition (EE) you are welcome to join our webinar ‘Legal aspects of the Liferay offerings’ on:   Wednesday, December 9th 2015 From 14.00 until 15.00 o’clock Register now for free! Organisations not always ask themselves the right questions...

James Falkner | 07 Dec 2015

I'm very happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA5! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [JBoss Bundle] [GlassFish Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Quick Start] [Detailed Install Instructions]. Once again, this release is particularly noteworthy. Why is that? It's most likely the final release of 6.2 CE as we are quickly approaching the next major...

Olaf Kock | 30 Nov 2015

  I met repeat guest Nate Cavanaugh, Liferay's Director of UI Engineering, at this year's Devcon and he answered all UI-based questions that we could quickly think about - specifically with regards to Liferay 7. As we recorded this on site at Devcon, you'll hear more background noise than usual - Auphonic did their best to clean the recording, and they did a great job. ...

Jorge Ferrer | 01 Dec 2015

Here we are again, following our bi-weekly releases plan with our third alpha release. We are still working hard to reach beta status as soon as possible and I would like to use this opportunity to explain what our criteria is and how our focus on high quality is driving this release more than ever. But before that, let me brag a bit about our hard work during these past two...

Martin Yan | 10 Dec 2015

By now, we've heard of the necessity of creating a good experience for our mobile viewers. Yet, we're not always quite sure where to start or what factors should be considered in the process.  As a result, we're creating a three-part series that will address some of these major aspects. These posts will provide some high-level concepts along with practical tips that will help...

James Falkner | 24 Nov 2015

You may recall back in February 2014 I published a FreeMarker script that would dump variables from WCM and ADT Templates in Liferay 6.2. Well, it's back, this time for Liferay 7! I tweaked it a bit to show the hierarchy of the request object a bit better and added a recursion depth variable to control how deep down the rabbit hole you go (if you are feeling a bit cold during winter,...

Olaf Kock | 23 Nov 2015

  A continuation of last week's episode, Milen Dyankov stepped in as a co-host and helped me ask the right questions: Ray Augé answers all sorts of questions about the Modularization in Liferay 7 and what to do with your existing investment in Liferay Plugins - what to do with the plugins you already have, where you will have to re-learn and what you can, should or shouldn't...

Jason Victor Chang | 19 Nov 2015

Alright. It's a wrap, folks. It's been my honor to live blog for all of you who were following along. See you at #LRNAS2016! Looking for day 1's coverage? Here you go. 4:23PM - Closing Keynote: Digital Transformation: Beyond Technology | Bryan Cheung, CEO Some brief concluding thoughts from our CEO: Technology matters… but it’s not as important as we think....

Annika Sinnecker | 17 Nov 2015

The following information is only relevant for German speaking members: Wer mehr darüber erfahren möchte, welche rechtlichen Aspekte bei Nutzung der Community und der Liferay Enterprise Edition zu beachten sind, kann sich noch rasch zum kostenfreien Webinar "Rechtliche Aspekte bei Nutzung von Liferay" nächste Woche anmelden: Dienstag, den 1. Dezember 2015 Von...

Jason Victor Chang | 17 Nov 2015

Hello, welcome to the Liferay North America Symposium Live Blog. If you've never followed one of these live blogs before, the content runs in reverse chronological order so that people following live can just refresh the page and see the latest on top. Also, there's a significant amount of quality technical content at Symposium but I don't think I can do justice if I tried to...

Olaf Kock | 16 Nov 2015

   Another Devcon "private" session - I missed his presentations, but got the summary right when he was done: Ray Augé took the time to answer all sorts of questions about the Modularization in Liferay 7. In fact, he answered so many questions that we made it a 2-episode recording. This week it's about the motivation for modularization: What problem does it solve? Next week...

Martin Yan | 10 Nov 2015

Why do people go to the Liferay Symposium? This is a common question that has been asked countless times. Of course, if you ask someone at Liferay, our answers might be a little biased... But in our conversations with past attendees, we’ve discovered that the symposium has become a great arena for idea exchange and project insight. Some of our attendees are amazed to learn...

Martin Yan | 05 Nov 2015

By now it's obvious that the effects of a poor mobile experience are both immediate and far-reaching for business. A frustrating and not-so-user-friendly mobile interaction with your site could mean loss of brand loyalty and potential business. How can you offer a mobile user-centric experience that will serve your customers both in the present and future? A responsive website is...