Entries with tag react .

David H Nebinger | 05 Apr 2024

Introduction So I've been working on my Objects Rule! series and have been working on an app I plan on showing off soon, but I realized that there is probably a gap explaining, well, how do you get started? I mean, it's one thing to go and check the client extensions sample repo here:,...

Francisco García Navarrete | 11 Jul 2022

Introduction Liferay development has been changing throughout the years with its different versions. With 6.x we had WAR portlets. 7.0 came along and with it OSGi modules were the norm. And now, 7.4 has brought something completely new: Remote Apps. You can check this other blog and the official documentation for a thorough explanation about Remote Apps.   So, what...

Francisco García Navarrete | 11 Jul 2022

Introducción El desarrollo en Liferay ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los años con sus distintas versiones. Con las versiones 6.x teníamos los portlets de tipo WAR. Cuando llegó la versión 7.0 los módulos OSGi pasaron a ser el estándar. Y ahora, 7.4 nos ha traído algo totalmente nuevo: Remote APPs. Si queréis una explicación más detallada sobre Remote Apps podéis echar un...

Roselaine Marques | 30 Aug 2021

In a native React application, it is common that you have the CSS separated by components like I said here, actually maybe you want to use a separate SCSS to take advantage from SASS. So to do it in a Liferay React Application, we need to do some configurations.  Why?  We are working a Structure of OSGi Bundles Containing NPM Packages wrapper by Portlet Component, for this reason,...

Roselaine Marques | 25 Aug 2021

When we generate a React Widget project for Liferay DXP from Yeoman (liferay-js template), you can see, in the scaffolding, we have the CSS file in assets/css folder with the style.css file (set to load on our portlet-header, in the package.json).  It is common, in a native React application to have the CSS separated by components. So to have the CSS separated by components in a Liferay...

David H Nebinger | 16 Aug 2021

A really quick post to share something important with you React + Clay developers out there... A recent update to Clay had a breaking internal change. If after deploying your React portlet and you try to place it on the page and you get errors in the JS console like: liferay-amd-loader | Errors returned from server for require( ["my-module@1.0.0"] ): "Missing dependency...

Roselaine Marques | 14 Sep 2022

IMPORTANT: this blog post was done with Liferay Portal version 7.4.1 GA 2, which you can use as your guide, but you need to adapt to your own version (CartItem.js file and dependencies from .npmbundlerc and package.json if needed).  NOTICE: This blog  post has Spanish and English version. When you start to build an e-commerce website with Liferay Commerce, you...

David H Nebinger | 06 Aug 2021

Introduction A client asked me to build a React portlet for them and I was like, "Oh Yeah!" I mean, it's been a while since I built a React portlet and tooling has really changed a lot since then, so I was really looking forward to this new task. So without further ado, I'm just going to dive right in... Creating the Module Okay, so this is still Liferay and still OSGi, so we're going to be...

Roselaine Marques | 15 Apr 2021

When we generate some NPM modules from generator-liferay-js, you should see that the generated (.jar) module is a "bit heavy".  In the case of the React Liferay module it is not as much as the Angular Liferay module (posted here). However, let's say we want to work with a few modules of this type and instance them on one page. This could cause some problems: 1. Loss of...