Where am I?

Did you ever enter information in the wrong server backend?

Image CC by 2.0 Caio Jhonny: Confusion

In case you're working on multiple Liferay servers, like I frequently do, you might have seen this problem, and fell for it: In the backend, namely Control Panel and Site Administration, they all look the same. Rarely do I see anybody working on a new "Admin Theme" for those places.

I've had enough of trying to decipher the URL and host name, and decided to do something about it, that doesn't require a whole new theme: The configurable admin-theme-background plugin. You can configure it with your own color and text of choice, and make sure that you never need to double check if you're currently on a Production-, Test- or Development server. Or, if you're demoing multiple systems at the same time, which one you're on.


Find the source code and an installable bundle (currently built and tested on DXP 7.3) on github.

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