Vaadin Joins Portlet Specification Standard 3.0 group

As you probably know Liferay comes packaged with Vaadin and many portal developers are using Vaadin as their UI library for building rich web applications. Vaadin has been a good choice for those that want something more than just JSF with a little JavaScript sprinkled on the top but at the same time the current Portlet specification wasn't really made for full-RIA such as the ones written in Vaadin. 

Portlet Standard 3.0 tends to fix this and we are proud to be a part of it as well. Vaadin just joined the JSR-362 specification group with its aim to ease AJAX communication, specify how portlets share resources and add websocket support. Something we at Vaadin have been doing for the past 13 years already. 

The group itself is very strong with Neil Griffin from Liferay participating and IBM's Martin Scott Nicklous leading the JSR. We hope to bring some insights into the group and hopefully ease the development of Liferay+Vaadin applications with the help of the next standard. Because of this, we'd love to hear from you as well. What has been the largest hindrance for you and is there something the specification could tackle already? Just leave a comment below!

For more information see the JSR site: or the Vaadin Press Release

Personally I've been waiting for server side push from Vaadin 7 to become available in V-portlets. The refresher w/ constant polling works, but it is constant polling...