Using FreeMarker in Liferay Web Content (WCM)

I've been meaning to blog more, but somehow haven't found (or made) the time. :-(

So for the new year I'm dedicating some time each week to put some blogs together. (not necessarily a new blog every week.. but at least time towards one)

The first set of posts is a series on using FreeMarker in web content templates, specifically using FreeMarker macros - how to make them available to templates and a sample github project to get you started.

Part 1 - Liferay supports using FreeMarker as a web content template language. There are many things I really like about FreeMarker and use it whenever possible. Macros are one of those features, as you can create libraries of routines you can use over and over. But it’s not apparent where to place those libraries to get Liferay to recognize them and use them.

Read Part 1

Part 2 - Now that we have our FreeMarker macro library deployed (from part 1), let’s set up the web content structure, template and article to test our macro library.

Read Part 2

Please feel free to use the feedback form there if you have any ideas on additional topics you'd like to see covered.


