Use woopra to do Live Tracking and Web Statistics in Liferay

Woopra is a powerful tool in beta stage now. See for more information.

To use it in liferay, currently you need to apply a account and active it on wroopa site. 

Then you need to get the code from personal page and add it to liferay pages, for example in \html\common\themes\bottom-ext.jsp

Now, you can live tracking your site in woopra gui.


According to Google, Google Analytics only works with websites accessible on the public Internet & not private Intranets:
"How do I run Google Analytics on my intranet?"

On 5th April 2009, Arcko Duan posted this on a Liferay blog:
"Use woopra to do Live Tracking and Web Statistics in Liferay":

Does anyone know if this will work on a Liferay based Intranet that does not have a FQDN (e.g. http://intranet/), but can access the Internet & can use e.g. Liferay's Google Gadget portlet?

I've posted this question to Liferay's forums but have not seen an answer yet.

I've saw your posts in both forums, as Lorelle VanFossen said, should also not be able to do that so far.

Further more, do you think it's useful to tracing the hits intranet?

Liferay have built-in user tracing function.
if you want to trace intranet hits, you can use piwik (open source), can get it at
with piwik you can setup your own web analytic system into your own environment. Furthermore you can use piwik widget and add it into your portal. can see example here -->