Top 10 ways to keep up with the Liferay Community

At this year's Spain Symposium and North America Symposium (which begins in about 294,682 seconds from now), I'm going to be holding a session on 21 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Contribute to the Liferay Community. In a related development, I've recently heard from several of you recently that you'd missed some interesting news items that happened, and didn't know how best to avoid missing stuff, so as a companion to my talk, I thought I'd also list the Top 10 Even More Ridiculously Simple Ways to Follow the Liferay Community! So here they are:

  1. Subscribe to the Community Blogs. This is probably my favorite, because the most important stuff gets posted here all the time.
  2. Follow @Liferay, @LiferayApps, and "Liferay" (not #Liferay) on Twitter. Also, you may want to filter out the tons of job postings (unless you're looking for a job! Also - we are hiring too).
  3. Setup a Google Alert for Liferay. There are some amazing community members, journalists, and random people that create great content about Liferay, and they aren't always posting to the blogs on this site. 
  4. Subscribe to RSS feeds for Bugs and Feature Requests. Yeah, RSS is dead, I know. Portals are dead. Java is dead. Apple is doomed. 640k ought to be enough memory.
  5. Subscribe to Announcements and the Community Security Team. If you run Liferay CE, you really need to keep abreast of secuity advisories. Or, if you want to drink from the firehose, subscribe to everything.
  6. Follow RSS feeds for our Sourceforge repo. If you had, you'd have seen that the 7.0 Milestone 1 was already out like a month ago (we are planning on more activities around the milestones in the near future!).
  7. Join hangouts every other Tuesday (and subscribe to the calendar). Free workshops every 2 weeks. Good times.
  8. Subscribe to the Releases page, and learn of current and upcoming releases before your friends do.
  9. Lurk on our IRC channel. Several experts hangout there, and many other developers. It's a great way to meet fellow devs.
  10. Subscribe to and listen to Radio Liferay. Olaf has done an amazing job offering up compelling content from a wide range of topics.

How do you keep up with Liferay? Let us know in comments! See you in Boston!

I really like the "ridiculously simple" subject ;). And the Radio LIferay pointer. Will bring a recorder to Boston.
The Ten Liferay Community Commandments!

Will not attend Boston, but will present extended 'seriously important' social features classified as Portal 'Must Haves' @lrdevcon 2014 AD.